MonkeyModdingTroop / MonkeyLoader

A convenience and extendability focused mod loader using NuGet packages.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Make config keys configurable with components #14

Closed ColinTimBarndt closed 2 months ago

ColinTimBarndt commented 2 months ago

This is an implementation of config key components as mentioned in #9. Feedback is appreciated.

Resolves #9.

To Do:

Banane9 commented 2 months ago

because I don't feel like I have enough free time to dedicate to trying to figure out how this'll be used from a modder's perspective...

From the defining a config perspective:

DefiningConfigKey<int> testKey = new("Test", ...)
    new ConfigKeyRange(0, 255)

The constructor still has the standard things too, but now more behavior can be added super easily. E.g. Quantities or Shared for Resonite.