Monnoroch / ColorHighlighter

ColorHighlighter - is a plugin for the Sublime text 2 and 3, which underlays selected hexadecimal colorcodes (like "#FFFFFF", "rgb(255,255,255)", "white", etc.) with their real color. Also, plugin adds color picker to easily modify colors. Documentation:
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Error trying to parse settings #473

Closed ghost closed 4 years ago

ghost commented 4 years ago

The error opens every time after launch sublime text. Снимок Error trying to parse settings: Unexpected trailing characters in Packages\User\ColorHighlighter.sublime-settings:4:5 Help please! (sorry for my english, it's not my native language)

default settings
{ "search_colors_in": { "selection": { "enabled": true, "color_highlighters": { "color_scheme": { "enabled": false, "highlight_style": "filled" }, "gutter_icons": { "enabled": false, "icon_style": "circle" }, "phantoms": { "enabled": true, "style": "right", "length": 2 } } }, "all_content": { "enabled": true, "color_highlighters": { "color_scheme": { "enabled": true, "highlight_style": "text" }, "gutter_icons": { "enabled": true, "icon_style": "circle" }, "phantoms": { "enabled": false, "style": "right", "length": 2 } } }, "hover": { "enabled": true, "color_highlighters": { "color_scheme": { "enabled": false, "highlight_style": "filled" }, "gutter_icons": { "enabled": false, "icon_style": "circle" }, "phantoms": { "enabled": false, "style": "right", "length": 2 } } } }, "default_keybindings": true, "file_extensions": [".css", ".less", ".scss", ".sass", ".styl"], "icon_factory": { "convert_command": "convert", "convert_timeout": 5 }, "autoreload": { "when_settings_change": true, "when_color_scheme_change": true }, "regex_compiler": { "channels": { "hex": "[0-9a-fA-F]", "dec": "\\d{1,3}", "float": "(?:[0|1])|(?:[1][\\.]?[0]*)|(?:[0]?[\\.]\\d*)", "perc": "(?:\\d{1,3}[%])|(?:0)" }, "formats": { "sharp8": { "description": "Hex #RRGGBBAA color format", "regex": "#[0-9a-fA-F]{8}", "white": "#FFFFFFFF" }, "sharp6": { "description": "Hex #RRGGBBAA color format", "regex": "#[0-9a-fA-F]{6}", "white": "#FFFFFF", "after": "sharp8" }, "sharp4": { "description": "Hex #RGBA color format", "regex": "#(?P<R>hex)(?P<G>hex)(?P<B>hex)(?P<A>hex)", "white": "#FFFF", "after": "sharp6" }, "sharp3": { "description": "Hex #RGB color format", "regex": "#(?P<R>hex)(?P<G>hex)(?P<B>hex)", "white": "#FFF", "after": "sharp4" }, "rgba": { "description": "rgba(255,255,100%,1) color format", "regex": "rgba[(][ ]*(?P<R>dec|perc)[ ]*[,][ ]*(?P<G>dec|perc)[ ]*[,][ ]*(?P<B>dec|perc)[ ]*[,][ ]*(?P<A>float)[ ]*[)]", "white": "rgba(255, 255, 100%, 1)" }, "rgb": { "description": "rgb(255,255,100%) color format", "regex": "rgb[(][ ]*(?P<R>dec|perc)[ ]*[,][ ]*(?P<G>dec|perc)[ ]*[,][ ]*(?P<B>dec|perc)[ ]*[)]", "white": "rgb(255, 255, 100%)" }, "hsva": { "description": "hsva(hue 0..360, s%, v%, alpha 0.0 .. 1.0) color format", "regex": "hsva[(][ ]*(?P<H>dec)[ ]*[,][ ]*(?P<S>perc)[ ]*[,][ ]*(?P<V>perc)[ ]*[,][ ]*(?P<A>float)[ ]*[)]", "white": "hsva(0, 0%, 100%, 1.)" }, "hsv": { "description": "hsv(hue 0..360, s%, v%) color format", "regex": "hsv[(][ ]*(?P<H>dec)[ ]*[,][ ]*(?P<S>perc)[ ]*[,][ ]*(?P<V>perc)[ ]*[)]", "white": "hsv(0, 0%, 100%)" }, "hsla": { "description": "hsla(hue 0..360, s%, v%, alpha 0.0 .. 1.0) color format", "regex": "hsla[(][ ]*(?P<H>dec)[ ]*[,][ ]*(?P<S>perc)[ ]*[,][ ]*(?P<L>perc)[ ]*[,][ ]*(?P<A>float)[ ]*[)]", "white": "hsla(0, 0%, 100%, 1.)" }, "hsl": { "description": "hsl(hue 0..360, s%, v%) color format", "regex": "hsl[(][ ]*(?P<H>dec)[ ]*[,][ ]*(?P<S>perc)[ ]*[,][ ]*(?P<L>perc)[ ]*[)]", "white": "hsl(0, 0%, 100%)" } } }, "experimental": { "asynchronosly_update_color_scheme": false }, "debug": false }

User settings { "search_colors_in": { "all_content": { "color_highlighters": { "color_scheme": { "enabled": true, "highlight_style": "text" }, "gutter_icons": { "enabled": true, "icon_style": "circle" }, "phantoms": { "enabled": true, "length": 2, "style": "inline" } }, "enabled": true }, "hover": { "color_highlighters": { "color_scheme": { "enabled": false, "highlight_style": "filled" }, "gutter_icons": { "enabled": false, "icon_style": "circle" }, "phantoms": { "enabled": false, "length": 2, "style": "right" } }, "enabled": true }, "selection": { "color_highlighters": { "color_scheme": { "enabled": false, "highlight_style": "filled" }, "gutter_icons": { "enabled": false, "icon_style": "circle" }, "phantoms": { "enabled": true, "length": 2, "style": "right" } }, "enabled": true } } }