MonoGame / MonoGame.Dependencies

The MonoGame binary dependencies submodule.
38 stars 51 forks source link

Update to SDL 2.0.20 with arm64 support for macOS #157

Closed carlfriess closed 2 years ago

carlfriess commented 2 years ago

Built for macOS from this source and taken from FNA for linux and windows.

mrhelmut commented 2 years ago


Do you mind checking with otool -L on the dylib if minos is 10.15 or lower? (this is the requirement of .NET 6, going lower won't be useful but won't harm either).

carlfriess commented 2 years ago
otool -l libSDL2.dylib 
Load command 8
  cmdsize 16
  version 10.9
      sdk 12.3
Full output ``` libSDL2.dylib: Load command 0 cmd LC_SEGMENT_64 cmdsize 1032 segname __TEXT vmaddr 0x0000000000000000 vmsize 0x0000000000150000 fileoff 0 filesize 1376256 maxprot 0x00000005 initprot 0x00000005 nsects 12 flags 0x0 Section sectname __text segname __TEXT addr 0x0000000000005180 size 0x000000000011cae0 offset 20864 align 2^4 (16) reloff 0 nreloc 0 flags 0x80000400 reserved1 0 reserved2 0 Section sectname __stubs segname __TEXT addr 0x0000000000121c60 size 0x000000000000089a offset 1186912 align 2^1 (2) reloff 0 nreloc 0 flags 0x80000408 reserved1 0 (index into indirect symbol table) reserved2 6 (size of stubs) Section sectname __stub_helper segname __TEXT addr 0x00000000001224fc size 0x0000000000000e66 offset 1189116 align 2^2 (4) reloff 0 nreloc 0 flags 0x80000400 reserved1 0 reserved2 0 Section sectname __cstring segname __TEXT addr 0x0000000000123370 size 0x0000000000017be6 offset 1192816 align 2^4 (16) reloff 0 nreloc 0 flags 0x00000002 reserved1 0 reserved2 0 Section sectname __const segname __TEXT addr 0x000000000013af60 size 0x000000000000ce68 offset 1290080 align 2^5 (32) reloff 0 nreloc 0 flags 0x00000000 reserved1 0 reserved2 0 Section sectname __objc_methname segname __TEXT addr 0x0000000000147dc8 size 0x00000000000042a5 offset 1342920 align 2^0 (1) reloff 0 nreloc 0 flags 0x00000002 reserved1 0 reserved2 0 Section sectname __objc_classname segname __TEXT addr 0x000000000014c06d size 0x0000000000000191 offset 1359981 align 2^0 (1) reloff 0 nreloc 0 flags 0x00000002 reserved1 0 reserved2 0 Section sectname __objc_methtype segname __TEXT addr 0x000000000014c1fe size 0x00000000000011f3 offset 1360382 align 2^0 (1) reloff 0 nreloc 0 flags 0x00000002 reserved1 0 reserved2 0 Section sectname __ustring segname __TEXT addr 0x000000000014d3f2 size 0x000000000000001a offset 1364978 align 2^1 (2) reloff 0 nreloc 0 flags 0x00000000 reserved1 0 reserved2 0 Section sectname __gcc_except_tab segname __TEXT addr 0x000000000014d40c size 0x00000000000000d0 offset 1365004 align 2^2 (4) reloff 0 nreloc 0 flags 0x00000000 reserved1 0 reserved2 0 Section sectname __unwind_info segname __TEXT addr 0x000000000014d4dc size 0x0000000000001b28 offset 1365212 align 2^2 (4) reloff 0 nreloc 0 flags 0x00000000 reserved1 0 reserved2 0 Section sectname __eh_frame segname __TEXT addr 0x000000000014f008 size 0x0000000000000fe8 offset 1372168 align 2^3 (8) reloff 0 nreloc 0 flags 0x00000000 reserved1 0 reserved2 0 Load command 1 cmd LC_SEGMENT_64 cmdsize 1672 segname __DATA vmaddr 0x0000000000150000 vmsize 0x0000000000014000 fileoff 1376256 filesize 65536 maxprot 0x00000003 initprot 0x00000003 nsects 20 flags 0x0 Section sectname __nl_symbol_ptr segname __DATA addr 0x0000000000150000 size 0x0000000000000008 offset 1376256 align 2^3 (8) reloff 0 nreloc 0 flags 0x00000006 reserved1 367 (index into indirect symbol table) reserved2 0 Section sectname __got segname __DATA addr 0x0000000000150008 size 0x0000000000000328 offset 1376264 align 2^3 (8) reloff 0 nreloc 0 flags 0x00000006 reserved1 368 (index into indirect symbol table) reserved2 0 Section sectname __la_symbol_ptr segname __DATA addr 0x0000000000150330 size 0x0000000000000b78 offset 1377072 align 2^3 (8) reloff 0 nreloc 0 flags 0x00000007 reserved1 469 (index into indirect symbol table) reserved2 0 Section sectname __const segname __DATA addr 0x0000000000150eb0 size 0x00000000000034e0 offset 1380016 align 2^4 (16) reloff 0 nreloc 0 flags 0x00000000 reserved1 0 reserved2 0 Section sectname __cfstring segname __DATA addr 0x0000000000154390 size 0x0000000000000b20 offset 1393552 align 2^3 (8) reloff 0 nreloc 0 flags 0x00000000 reserved1 0 reserved2 0 Section sectname __objc_classlist segname __DATA addr 0x0000000000154eb0 size 0x0000000000000068 offset 1396400 align 2^3 (8) reloff 0 nreloc 0 flags 0x10000000 reserved1 0 reserved2 0 Section sectname __objc_nlclslist segname __DATA addr 0x0000000000154f18 size 0x0000000000000008 offset 1396504 align 2^3 (8) reloff 0 nreloc 0 flags 0x10000000 reserved1 0 reserved2 0 Section sectname __objc_catlist segname __DATA addr 0x0000000000154f20 size 0x0000000000000008 offset 1396512 align 2^3 (8) reloff 0 nreloc 0 flags 0x10000000 reserved1 0 reserved2 0 Section sectname __objc_protolist segname __DATA addr 0x0000000000154f28 size 0x0000000000000038 offset 1396520 align 2^3 (8) reloff 0 nreloc 0 flags 0x00000000 reserved1 0 reserved2 0 Section sectname __objc_imageinfo segname __DATA addr 0x0000000000154f60 size 0x0000000000000008 offset 1396576 align 2^2 (4) reloff 0 nreloc 0 flags 0x00000000 reserved1 0 reserved2 0 Section sectname __objc_const segname __DATA addr 0x0000000000154f68 size 0x0000000000003c08 offset 1396584 align 2^3 (8) reloff 0 nreloc 0 flags 0x00000000 reserved1 0 reserved2 0 Section sectname __objc_selrefs segname __DATA addr 0x0000000000158b70 size 0x00000000000011f8 offset 1411952 align 2^3 (8) reloff 0 nreloc 0 flags 0x10000005 reserved1 0 reserved2 0 Section sectname __objc_protorefs segname __DATA addr 0x0000000000159d68 size 0x0000000000000010 offset 1416552 align 2^3 (8) reloff 0 nreloc 0 flags 0x00000000 reserved1 0 reserved2 0 Section sectname __objc_classrefs segname __DATA addr 0x0000000000159d78 size 0x00000000000001d8 offset 1416568 align 2^3 (8) reloff 0 nreloc 0 flags 0x10000000 reserved1 0 reserved2 0 Section sectname __objc_superrefs segname __DATA addr 0x0000000000159f50 size 0x0000000000000058 offset 1417040 align 2^3 (8) reloff 0 nreloc 0 flags 0x10000000 reserved1 0 reserved2 0 Section sectname __objc_ivar segname __DATA addr 0x0000000000159fa8 size 0x00000000000001c8 offset 1417128 align 2^3 (8) reloff 0 nreloc 0 flags 0x00000000 reserved1 0 reserved2 0 Section sectname __objc_data segname __DATA addr 0x000000000015a170 size 0x0000000000000460 offset 1417584 align 2^3 (8) reloff 0 nreloc 0 flags 0x00000000 reserved1 0 reserved2 0 Section sectname __data segname __DATA addr 0x000000000015a5d0 size 0x0000000000004528 offset 1418704 align 2^4 (16) reloff 0 nreloc 0 flags 0x00000000 reserved1 0 reserved2 0 Section sectname __bss segname __DATA addr 0x000000000015eb00 size 0x0000000000001f88 offset 0 align 2^4 (16) reloff 0 nreloc 0 flags 0x00000001 reserved1 0 reserved2 0 Section sectname __common segname __DATA addr 0x0000000000160a88 size 0x000000000000005c offset 0 align 2^3 (8) reloff 0 nreloc 0 flags 0x00000001 reserved1 0 reserved2 0 Load command 2 cmd LC_SEGMENT_64 cmdsize 72 segname __LINKEDIT vmaddr 0x0000000000164000 vmsize 0x0000000000020000 fileoff 1441792 filesize 126624 maxprot 0x00000001 initprot 0x00000001 nsects 0 flags 0x0 Load command 3 cmd LC_ID_DYLIB cmdsize 48 name @rpath/libSDL2.dylib (offset 24) time stamp 1 Thu Jan 1 01:00:01 1970 current version 19.2.0 compatibility version 1.0.0 Load command 4 cmd LC_DYLD_INFO_ONLY cmdsize 48 rebase_off 1441792 rebase_size 1040 bind_off 1442832 bind_size 5176 weak_bind_off 0 weak_bind_size 0 lazy_bind_off 1448008 lazy_bind_size 9464 export_off 1457472 export_size 14808 Load command 5 cmd LC_SYMTAB cmdsize 24 symoff 1478920 nsyms 1316 stroff 1503320 strsize 27192 Load command 6 cmd LC_DYSYMTAB cmdsize 80 ilocalsym 0 nlocalsym 1 iextdefsym 1 nextdefsym 796 iundefsym 797 nundefsym 519 tocoff 0 ntoc 0 modtaboff 0 nmodtab 0 extrefsymoff 0 nextrefsyms 0 indirectsymoff 1499976 nindirectsyms 836 extreloff 0 nextrel 0 locreloff 0 nlocrel 0 Load command 7 cmd LC_UUID cmdsize 24 uuid A06D225B-F492-3FED-8F04-F530A4E50E26 Load command 8 cmd LC_VERSION_MIN_MACOSX cmdsize 16 version 10.9 sdk 12.3 Load command 9 cmd LC_SOURCE_VERSION cmdsize 16 version 0.0 Load command 10 cmd LC_LOAD_WEAK_DYLIB cmdsize 96 name /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreHaptics.framework/Versions/A/CoreHaptics (offset 24) time stamp 2 Thu Jan 1 01:00:02 1970 current version 1.0.0 compatibility version 1.0.0 Load command 11 cmd LC_LOAD_WEAK_DYLIB cmdsize 104 name /System/Library/Frameworks/GameController.framework/Versions/A/GameController (offset 24) time stamp 2 Thu Jan 1 01:00:02 1970 current version 1.0.0 compatibility version 1.0.0 Load command 12 cmd LC_LOAD_WEAK_DYLIB cmdsize 88 name /System/Library/Frameworks/Metal.framework/Versions/A/Metal (offset 24) time stamp 2 Thu Jan 1 01:00:02 1970 current version 261.13.0 compatibility version 1.0.0 Load command 13 cmd LC_LOAD_WEAK_DYLIB cmdsize 96 name /System/Library/Frameworks/QuartzCore.framework/Versions/A/QuartzCore (offset 24) time stamp 2 Thu Jan 1 01:00:02 1970 current version 1.11.0 compatibility version 1.2.0 Load command 14 cmd LC_LOAD_DYLIB cmdsize 96 name /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreAudio.framework/Versions/A/CoreAudio (offset 24) time stamp 2 Thu Jan 1 01:00:02 1970 current version 1.0.0 compatibility version 1.0.0 Load command 15 cmd LC_LOAD_DYLIB cmdsize 96 name /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreVideo.framework/Versions/A/CoreVideo (offset 24) time stamp 2 Thu Jan 1 01:00:02 1970 current version 1.5.0 compatibility version 1.2.0 Load command 16 cmd LC_LOAD_DYLIB cmdsize 88 name /System/Library/Frameworks/Cocoa.framework/Versions/A/Cocoa (offset 24) time stamp 2 Thu Jan 1 01:00:02 1970 current version 23.0.0 compatibility version 1.0.0 Load command 17 cmd LC_LOAD_DYLIB cmdsize 88 name /System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework/Versions/A/IOKit (offset 24) time stamp 2 Thu Jan 1 01:00:02 1970 current version 275.0.0 compatibility version 1.0.0 Load command 18 cmd LC_LOAD_DYLIB cmdsize 104 name /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation (offset 24) time stamp 2 Thu Jan 1 01:00:02 1970 current version 1858.112.0 compatibility version 150.0.0 Load command 19 cmd LC_LOAD_DYLIB cmdsize 88 name /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Carbon (offset 24) time stamp 2 Thu Jan 1 01:00:02 1970 current version 165.0.0 compatibility version 2.0.0 Load command 20 cmd LC_LOAD_DYLIB cmdsize 104 name /System/Library/Frameworks/ForceFeedback.framework/Versions/A/ForceFeedback (offset 24) time stamp 2 Thu Jan 1 01:00:02 1970 current version 1.0.2 compatibility version 1.0.0 Load command 21 cmd LC_LOAD_DYLIB cmdsize 104 name /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/Versions/A/AudioToolbox (offset 24) time stamp 2 Thu Jan 1 01:00:02 1970 current version 1000.0.0 compatibility version 1.0.0 Load command 22 cmd LC_LOAD_DYLIB cmdsize 96 name /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation (offset 24) time stamp 2 Thu Jan 1 01:00:02 1970 current version 1858.112.0 compatibility version 300.0.0 Load command 23 cmd LC_LOAD_DYLIB cmdsize 56 name /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib (offset 24) time stamp 2 Thu Jan 1 01:00:02 1970 current version 228.0.0 compatibility version 1.0.0 Load command 24 cmd LC_LOAD_DYLIB cmdsize 56 name /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib (offset 24) time stamp 2 Thu Jan 1 01:00:02 1970 current version 1311.100.3 compatibility version 1.0.0 Load command 25 cmd LC_LOAD_DYLIB cmdsize 88 name /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit (offset 24) time stamp 2 Thu Jan 1 01:00:02 1970 current version 2113.40.126 compatibility version 45.0.0 Load command 26 cmd LC_LOAD_DYLIB cmdsize 104 name /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework/Versions/A/CoreGraphics (offset 24) time stamp 2 Thu Jan 1 01:00:02 1970 current version 1557.5.4 compatibility version 64.0.0 Load command 27 cmd LC_LOAD_DYLIB cmdsize 104 name /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/CoreServices (offset 24) time stamp 2 Thu Jan 1 01:00:02 1970 current version 1141.1.0 compatibility version 1.0.0 Load command 28 cmd LC_RPATH cmdsize 40 path @executable_path/Frameworks (offset 12) Load command 29 cmd LC_RPATH cmdsize 40 path @loader_path/Frameworks (offset 12) Load command 30 cmd LC_FUNCTION_STARTS cmdsize 16 dataoff 1472280 datasize 5248 Load command 31 cmd LC_DATA_IN_CODE cmdsize 16 dataoff 1477528 datasize 1392 Load command 32 cmd LC_CODE_SIGNATURE cmdsize 16 dataoff 1530512 datasize 37904 ```
mrhelmut commented 2 years ago
