MonoGame / MonoGame.Dependencies

The MonoGame binary dependencies submodule.
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add basisu binaries #167

Open cdhanna opened 1 month ago

cdhanna commented 1 month ago

As part this bounty,, I am adding the basisu binaries to the dependencies sub-module.

I generated these binaries by forking the Monogame.Tool.BasisUniversal repo and creating a tag to trigger the Github Workflow. The workflow execution can be seen here,

I do have a concern about these binaries... On my apple M1, when I downloaded the binaries to test that the mac build worked, I had to specifically mark it as a valid program. Before I approved it, the mac operating system was preventing me from executing the program via the CLI. The OS could identify the developer, and therefor, wasn't too pleased.

Is this is a solved problem at Monogame? Is there a way to sign these applications?