MonoLisaFont / feedback

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Consider providing NerdFonts compatible releases #57

Open lzybkr opened 3 years ago

lzybkr commented 3 years ago

Popular tools like starship and lsd require glyphs from NerdFonts.

NerdFonts provides patched versions of most popular fonts, but obviously that isn't possible for a paid font. While one can patch MonoLisa themselves, it's a bit of a pain to do so, it would be nice if a patched version was provided with each release.

polarmutex commented 3 years ago

second this

james-fourth commented 2 years ago

Very much want

ghost commented 2 years ago

@lzybkr I can attest to the patching process being a pain as I've not found a way to get this working. The documentation seems fragmented and somewhat incoherent. Do you have any insight to share about how you were able to patch a font?

tiagovla commented 2 years ago

@jjpiv-xerox It's quite simple actually:

1 - Download fontforge and install it; 2 - Clone nerd-fonts-patcher and cd into it; 3 - Run fontforge -script font-patcher your_font.otf -c.

I think someone made a docker image somewhere on github if you are into that.

If you want to patch multiple fonts at once, put them inside a folder and use something like this:

 for f in ./folder_name/*.otf; do fontforge -script font-patcher "$f" -c &; done
itmecho commented 2 years ago

Even easier if you have docker installed!

docker run -v $PWD/otf:/in -v $PWD/otf:/out nerdfonts/patcher --complete
james-fourth commented 2 years ago

@tiagovla Thank you so much for the help! I don't know why it was so difficult the last time I attempted to do this, but your explanation made all the difference.

miszo commented 2 years ago

I've prepared NerdFont patch today, and it wasn't that hard. But to be honest, I would be over the moon and forever grateful if the NerdFont glyphs would be available out of the box.

james-fourth commented 2 years ago

Yeah, it really isn't that hard. However, not needing to patch the font as new releases are published would be quite nice.

bebraw commented 1 year ago

It turns out that for some editors/systems, it's possible to use a fallback font that provides Nerd Fonts symbols. The technique is explained in this issue comment. It's known to work in Kitty terminal and VS Code at least.

mikesmithgh commented 1 year ago

It turns out that for some editors/systems, it's possible to use a fallback font that provides Nerd Fonts symbols. The technique is explained in this issue comment. It's known to work in Kitty terminal and VS Code at least.

Kitty automatically detects Nerd Fonts. Since I have FiraCode Nerd Font installed, all icons fall back to FiraCode.

If you are trying to use a font patched with Nerd Fonts symbols, don’t do that as patching destroys fonts. There is no need, simply install the standalone Symbols Nerd Font Mono (the file from the Nerd Fonts releases page). kitty should pick up symbols from it automatically, and you can tell it to do so explicitly in case it doesn’t with the symbol_map directive:

Lzyct commented 1 year ago

Any update about this?

bebraw commented 1 year ago

@Lzyct Yes, see the instructions at .

Lzyct commented 1 year ago

@Lzyct Yes, see the instructions at .

So, we need to build by ourselves. Every time the font update we need to patch it?

bebraw commented 1 year ago

@Lzyct You would have to patch it until we find a better way, yes. Thankfully the external scripts are simple to use.

Lzyct commented 1 year ago

@Lzyct You would have to patch it until we find a better way, yes. Thankfully the external scripts are simple to use.

Okay, can't wait for it. The script is simple but takes time to patch it

dylanh724 commented 1 month ago

For now, here's a Windows workaround:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

; More info here:


This will universally fallback to a nerd font. In this case, I fallback to FiraCode Mono. Edit above to your liking.

Rename to .reg and run (it'll prompt admin).

For the price, though, I would indeed expect patched fonts for me for each release. Feels like it'd be part of the premium package, watering down that premium feel when you have to go through this trouble.