Monokai / monokai-pro-vscode

Issue tracking for Monokai Pro for Visual Studio Code
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Define a specific color for objects properties in React with JS or TS #329

Open juancgalueweb opened 1 year ago

juancgalueweb commented 1 year ago

Hello there, I really love using Monokai Pro - Octagon every day for coding, but since I am learning React, I've noticed that when I call a property object, both have the same color, and it would be nice to set a different color for the its property. I think I will make myself clearer with an image.

That's how it looks in Monokai-Pro:

Captura de pantalla 2022-12-02 a la(s) 17 32 30

And that's how I want it to look with Monokai-Pro, I mean, the parts with the red lines.

Captura de pantalla 2022-12-02 a la(s) 17 24 30

What settings do I have to update and where? in VsCode... thank you very much for the help.
