Monstrofil / replays_unpack

51 stars 19 forks source link

Battle results #27

Open Monstrofil opened 1 year ago

Monstrofil commented 1 year ago

Latest replay versions have new message id, which I think is related to the post battle results.

Here is part of information that we can get there:




Most likely somewhere should be something like 'header' for those arrays, just as WG did for other in-battle stuff.

Monstrofil commented 1 year ago

That is definitely battle results.

Here we can see credits accounted for the battle. image

I did not find any records of 'headers' in game client, but that does not mean they are not there.

Monstrofil commented 12 months ago

Finally found where WG/Lesta transforms plain arrays into the dictionary.

<m61be8af2.BattleResultsSystem.BattleResultsSystem instance at 0x000002895478D548>

Unfortunately it's so closly tied to DataHub that it's hard to extract conversion code and also the conversion code is so hardcoded that it's hard to reimplement it in other places =/

>>> system = err[-1].tb_next.tb_next.tb_next.tb_frame.f_locals['self']
>>> dir(system)
['_EventListener__mapListeners', '_System__eventHandlers', '__doc__', '__init__', '__module__', '_collection', '_getComponent', '_getData', '_getEntity', '_hub', 'add', 'addHandler', 'addListener', 'applyEconomics', 'applyGlobalboostInfo', 'applyQuestInfo', 'classID', 'clear', 'collection', 'fillWithPlayer', 'fini', 'finiComponents', 'hasListener', 'hideAutoReplanishment', 'inContext', 'initComponents', 'outContext', 'postProcessing', 'preProcessing', 'remove', 'removeAllListeners', 'removeHandler', 'removeListener', 'update']
>>> dir(system.postProcessing)
['__call__', '__class__', '__cmp__', '__delattr__', '__doc__', '__format__', '__func__', '__get__', '__getattribute__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__self__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', 'im_class', 'im_func', 'im_self']
>>> dis.dis(system.postProcessing)
  0           0 JUMP_ABSOLUTE           12
        >>    3 LOAD_GLOBAL              7 (noDamage)
              6 LOAD_FAST               19 (try =)
              9 LOAD_ATTR                9 (fillWithPlayer)
        >>   12 LOAD_FAST                1 (entity)
             15 JUMP_ABSOLUTE           24
             18 <14>
             19 <149>                11195
             22 SETUP_WITH           27345 (to 27370)
             25 STOP_CODE
             26 STOP_CODE
             27 STORE_FAST               2 (in elif j try u)
             30 LOAD_FAST                2 (in elif j try u)
             33 LOAD_ATTR                1 (players)
             36 STORE_FAST               3 (] import q)
             39 LOAD_FAST                2 (in elif j try u)
             42 LOAD_ATTR                2 (buildings)
             45 STORE_FAST               4 (5 1)
             48 LOAD_FAST                2 (in elif j try u)
             51 LOAD_ATTR                3 (me)
             54 STORE_FAST               5 (d e)
             57 LOAD_FAST                2 (in elif j try u)
             60 LOAD_ATTR                4 (privateData)
             63 STORE_FAST               6 (t f def &)
             66 LOAD_FAST                2 (in elif j try u)
             69 LOAD_ATTR                5 (common)
             72 STORE_FAST               7 (| {)
             75 LOAD_FAST                6 (t f def &)
             78 POP_JUMP_IF_TRUE        85
             81 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
             84 RETURN_VALUE
        >>   85 LOAD_FAST                5 (d e)
             88 LOAD_CONST               1 ('team_damage')
             91 BINARY_SUBSCR
             92 LOAD_CONST               2 (0)
             95 COMPARE_OP               4 (>)
             98 JUMP_IF_TRUE_OR_POP    144
            101 LOAD_FAST                5 (d e)
            104 LOAD_CONST               3 ('team_planes_killed')
            107 BINARY_SUBSCR
            108 LOAD_CONST               2 (0)
            111 COMPARE_OP               4 (>)
            114 JUMP_IF_TRUE_OR_POP    144
            117 LOAD_FAST                6 (t f def &)
            120 LOAD_CONST               4 ('is_afk')
            123 BINARY_SUBSCR
            124 JUMP_IF_TRUE_OR_POP    144
            127 LOAD_FAST                6 (t f def &)
            130 LOAD_CONST               5 ('is_leaver')
            133 BINARY_SUBSCR
            134 JUMP_IF_TRUE_OR_POP    144
            137 LOAD_FAST                6 (t f def &)
            140 LOAD_CONST               6 ('is_tshooter')
            143 BINARY_SUBSCR
        >>  144 LOAD_FAST                6 (t f def &)
            147 LOAD_CONST               7 ('is_abuse_detected')
            150 STORE_SUBSCR
            151 LOAD_FAST                6 (t f def &)
            154 LOAD_CONST               7 ('is_abuse_detected')
            157 BINARY_SUBSCR
            158 POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE      181
            161 LOAD_FAST                6 (t f def &)
            164 LOAD_CONST               8 ('battles_to_clean_abuse')
            167 BINARY_SUBSCR
            168 POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE      181
            171 LOAD_FAST                6 (t f def &)
            174 LOAD_CONST               8 ('battles_to_clean_abuse')
            177 BINARY_SUBSCR
            178 JUMP_FORWARD             3 (to 184)
        >>  181 LOAD_CONST               2 (0)
        >>  184 LOAD_FAST                6 (t f def &)
            187 LOAD_CONST               8 ('battles_to_clean_abuse')
            190 STORE_SUBSCR
            191 LOAD_FAST                6 (t f def &)
            194 LOAD_CONST               9 ('abuser_status')
            197 BINARY_SUBSCR
            198 LOAD_CONST              10 (2)
            201 COMPARE_OP               2 (==)
            204 POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE      217
            207 LOAD_FAST                6 (t f def &)
            210 LOAD_CONST               8 ('battles_to_clean_abuse')
            213 BINARY_SUBSCR
            214 JUMP_FORWARD             3 (to 220)
        >>  217 LOAD_CONST               2 (0)
        >>  220 LOAD_FAST                6 (t f def &)
            223 LOAD_CONST              11 ('battles_to_clean_abuse_confirmed')
            226 STORE_SUBSCR
            227 LOAD_FAST                6 (t f def &)
            230 LOAD_CONST              11 ('battles_to_clean_abuse_confirmed')
            233 BINARY_SUBSCR
            234 LOAD_CONST               2 (0)
            237 COMPARE_OP               2 (==)
            240 POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE      269
            243 LOAD_FAST                6 (t f def &)
            246 LOAD_CONST               9 ('abuser_status')
            249 BINARY_SUBSCR
            250 LOAD_CONST              12 (1)
            253 COMPARE_OP               2 (==)
            256 POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE      269
            259 LOAD_FAST                6 (t f def &)
            262 LOAD_CONST               8 ('battles_to_clean_abuse')
            265 BINARY_SUBSCR
            266 JUMP_FORWARD             3 (to 272)
        >>  269 LOAD_CONST               2 (0)
        >>  272 LOAD_FAST                6 (t f def &)
            275 LOAD_CONST              13 ('battles_to_clean_abuse_suspect')
            278 STORE_SUBSCR
            279 LOAD_FAST                5 (d e)
            282 LOAD_CONST              14 ('scouting_damage')
            285 BINARY_SUBSCR
            286 LOAD_FAST                5 (d e)
            289 LOAD_CONST              15 ('scouting_fires')
            292 BINARY_SUBSCR
            293 BINARY_ADD
            294 LOAD_FAST                5 (d e)
            297 LOAD_CONST              16 ('agro_total')
            300 BINARY_SUBSCR
            301 BINARY_ADD
            302 LOAD_FAST                5 (d e)
            305 LOAD_CONST              17 ('first_ships_spotted')
            308 BINARY_SUBSCR
            309 BINARY_ADD
            310 LOAD_FAST                5 (d e)
            313 LOAD_CONST              18 ('first_planes_spotted')
            316 BINARY_SUBSCR
            317 BINARY_ADD
            318 LOAD_FAST                5 (d e)
            321 LOAD_CONST              19 ('tpds_spotted')
            324 BINARY_SUBSCR
            325 BINARY_ADD
            326 LOAD_FAST                5 (d e)
            329 LOAD_CONST              20 ('cp_capture_points')
            332 BINARY_SUBSCR
            333 BINARY_ADD
            334 LOAD_FAST                5 (d e)
            337 LOAD_CONST              21 ('cp_dropped_points')
            340 BINARY_SUBSCR
            341 BINARY_ADD
            342 LOAD_FAST                5 (d e)
            345 LOAD_CONST              22 ('team_captured_points')
            348 BINARY_SUBSCR
            349 BINARY_ADD
            350 LOAD_FAST                5 (d e)
            353 LOAD_CONST              23 ('team_dropped_points')
            356 BINARY_SUBSCR
            357 BINARY_ADD
            358 LOAD_FAST                5 (d e)
            361 LOAD_CONST              24 ('battle_picked_drop_points')
            364 BINARY_SUBSCR
            365 BINARY_ADD
            366 LOAD_FAST                5 (d e)
            369 LOAD_CONST              25 ('enemy_energy_burned')
            372 BINARY_SUBSCR
            373 BINARY_ADD
            374 LOAD_FAST                5 (d e)
            377 LOAD_CONST              26 ('total_command_activity')
            380 STORE_SUBSCR
            381 BUILD_LIST               0
            384 STORE_FAST               8 (-=)
            387 SETUP_LOOP            1029 (to 1419)
            390 LOAD_FAST                5 (d e)
            393 LOAD_CONST              27 ('interactions')
            396 BINARY_SUBSCR
            397 LOAD_ATTR                6 (iteritems)
            400 CALL_FUNCTION            0
            403 GET_ITER
        >>  404 FOR_ITER              1011 (to 1418)
            407 UNPACK_SEQUENCE          2
            410 STORE_FAST               9 (elif z assert for)
            413 STORE_FAST              10 (lambda x o)
            416 LOAD_GLOBAL              7 (noDamage)
            419 LOAD_FAST               10 (lambda x o)
            422 LOAD_GLOBAL              8 (DAMAGE_FIELDS_SHIP)
            425 CALL_FUNCTION            2
            428 POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE      437
            431 JUMP_ABSOLUTE          404
            434 JUMP_FORWARD             0 (to 437)
        >>  437 LOAD_FAST                3 (] import q)
            440 LOAD_FAST                9 (elif z assert for)
            443 BINARY_SUBSCR
            444 STORE_FAST              11 (k 8)
            447 LOAD_FAST                0 (self)
            450 LOAD_ATTR                9 (fillWithPlayer)
            453 LOAD_FAST               11 (k 8)
            456 LOAD_FAST                5 (d e)
            459 LOAD_FAST               10 (lambda x o)
            462 CALL_FUNCTION            3
            465 POP_TOP
            466 LOAD_GLOBAL             10 (False)
            469 STORE_FAST              12 (m while =)
            472 LOAD_FAST               10 (lambda x o)
            475 LOAD_CONST              28 ('module_crits')
            478 BINARY_SUBSCR
            479 LOAD_FAST               10 (lambda x o)
            482 LOAD_CONST              29 ('module_kills')
            485 BINARY_SUBSCR
            486 BINARY_ADD
            487 LOAD_FAST               10 (lambda x o)
            490 LOAD_CONST              30 ('total_modules_hits')
            493 STORE_SUBSCR
            494 LOAD_FAST               11 (k 8)
            497 LOAD_CONST              31 ('is_alive')
            500 BINARY_SUBSCR
            501 POP_JUMP_IF_TRUE      1392
            504 LOAD_FAST               11 (k 8)
            507 LOAD_CONST              32 ('killer_db_id')
            510 BINARY_SUBSCR
            511 STORE_FAST              13 (try 6)
            514 LOAD_FAST               11 (k 8)
            517 LOAD_CONST              33 ('killer_building_id')
            520 BINARY_SUBSCR
            521 STORE_FAST              14 (try >> o y)
            524 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
            527 STORE_FAST              15 (q { or)
            530 LOAD_FAST               13 (try 6)
            533 LOAD_CONST               2 (0)
            536 COMPARE_OP               3 (!=)
            539 POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE      635
            542 LOAD_FAST                3 (] import q)
            545 LOAD_FAST               13 (try 6)
            548 BINARY_SUBSCR
            549 STORE_FAST              15 (q { or)
            552 LOAD_FAST               15 (q { or)
            555 LOAD_CONST              34 ('vehicle_type_id')
            558 BINARY_SUBSCR
            559 LOAD_FAST               10 (lambda x o)
            562 LOAD_CONST              35 ('killer_shipId')
            565 STORE_SUBSCR
            566 LOAD_FAST               15 (q { or)
            569 LOAD_CONST              36 ('team_id')
            572 BINARY_SUBSCR
            573 LOAD_FAST                5 (d e)
            576 LOAD_CONST              36 ('team_id')
            579 BINARY_SUBSCR
            580 COMPARE_OP               2 (==)
            583 LOAD_FAST               10 (lambda x o)
            586 LOAD_CONST              37 ('killer_is_ally')
            589 STORE_SUBSCR
            590 LOAD_FAST               15 (q { or)
            593 LOAD_CONST              38 ('is_abuser')
            596 BINARY_SUBSCR
            597 LOAD_FAST               10 (lambda x o)
            600 LOAD_CONST              39 ('is_killer_tk')
            603 STORE_SUBSCR
            604 LOAD_FAST               15 (q { or)
            607 LOAD_CONST              40 ('is_prebattle_ally')
            610 BINARY_SUBSCR
            611 LOAD_FAST               10 (lambda x o)
            614 LOAD_CONST              41 ('is_killer_in_my_division')
            617 STORE_SUBSCR
            618 LOAD_FAST               15 (q { or)
            621 LOAD_CONST              42 ('is_bot')
            624 BINARY_SUBSCR
            625 LOAD_FAST               10 (lambda x o)
            628 LOAD_CONST              43 ('is_killer_bot')
            631 STORE_SUBSCR
            632 JUMP_FORWARD             0 (to 635)
        >>  635 LOAD_FAST               14 (try >> o y)
            638 JUMP_ABSOLUTE         1281
        >>  641 CALL_FUNCTION            2
            644 POP_TOP
            645 JUMP_FORWARD             0 (to 648)
        >>  648 SETUP_LOOP             139 (to 790)
            651 LOAD_FAST                2 (in elif j try u)
            654 LOAD_ATTR               30 (interactions)
            657 LOAD_ATTR                6 (iteritems)
            660 CALL_FUNCTION            0
            663 GET_ITER
        >>  664 FOR_ITER               122 (to 789)
            667 UNPACK_SEQUENCE          2
            670 STORE_FAST              30 (* print ])
            673 STORE_FAST              31 (assert not >> =)
            676 SETUP_LOOP             107 (to 786)
            679 LOAD_FAST               31 (assert not >> =)
            682 GET_ITER
        >>  683 FOR_ITER                99 (to 785)
            686 STORE_FAST              32 (q f or)
            689 LOAD_CONST              71 ('playerId')
            692 LOAD_FAST               32 (q f or)
            695 COMPARE_OP               6 (in)
            698 POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE      766
            701 LOAD_FAST                3 (] import q)
            704 LOAD_FAST               32 (q f or)
            707 LOAD_CONST              71 ('playerId')
            710 BINARY_SUBSCR
            711 BINARY_SUBSCR
            712 STORE_FAST              11 (k 8)
            715 LOAD_FAST               11 (k 8)
            718 POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE      743
            721 LOAD_FAST                0 (self)
            724 LOAD_ATTR                9 (fillWithPlayer)
            727 LOAD_FAST               11 (k 8)
            730 LOAD_FAST                5 (d e)
            733 LOAD_FAST               32 (q f or)
            736 CALL_FUNCTION            3
            739 POP_TOP
            740 JUMP_ABSOLUTE          782
        >>  743 LOAD_GLOBAL             31 (LOG_DEBUG)
            746 LOAD_CONST              72 ('WARNING')
            749 LOAD_CONST              73 ('no player for id')
            752 LOAD_FAST               32 (q f or)
            755 LOAD_CONST              71 ('playerId')
            758 BINARY_SUBSCR
            759 CALL_FUNCTION            3
            762 POP_TOP
            763 JUMP_ABSOLUTE          683
        >>  766 LOAD_GLOBAL             31 (LOG_DEBUG)
            769 LOAD_CONST              72 ('WARNING')
            772 LOAD_CONST              74 ('no playerId for')
            775 LOAD_FAST               32 (q f or)
            778 CALL_FUNCTION            3
            781 POP_TOP
        >>  782 JUMP_ABSOLUTE          683
        >>  785 POP_BLOCK
        >>  786 JUMP_ABSOLUTE          664
        >>  789 POP_BLOCK
        >>  790 LOAD_FAST                7 (| {)
            793 LOAD_ATTR               32 (get)
            796 LOAD_CONST              75 ('battle_logic_info')
            799 CALL_FUNCTION            1
            802 STORE_FAST              33 (** ] w del 7)
            805 LOAD_FAST               33 (** ] w del 7)
            808 POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE      963
            811 LOAD_FAST               33 (** ] w del 7)
            814 LOAD_ATTR               32 (get)
            817 LOAD_CONST              60 ('tasks')
            820 CALL_FUNCTION            1
            823 STORE_FAST              34 (9 [ 5 j)
            826 LOAD_FAST               34 (9 [ 5 j)
            829 POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE      963
            832 LOAD_GLOBAL             33 (filterSecondaryPVETasks)
            835 LOAD_FAST               34 (9 [ 5 j)
            838 LOAD_FAST                6 (t f def &)
            841 LOAD_CONST              36 ('team_id')
            844 BINARY_SUBSCR
            845 CALL_FUNCTION            2
            848 STORE_FAST              35 (8 print w)
            851 LOAD_FAST               35 (8 print w)
            854 LOAD_ATTR               34 (sort)
            857 LOAD_CONST              50 ('key')
            860 LOAD_CONST              76 (<code object 69029943604 at 000002893BAC7E30, file "28380393646326556", line -1>)
            863 MAKE_FUNCTION            0
            866 CALL_FUNCTION          256
            869 POP_TOP
            870 SETUP_LOOP              74 (to 947)
            873 LOAD_FAST               35 (8 print w)
            876 GET_ITER
        >>  877 FOR_ITER                66 (to 946)
            880 STORE_FAST              36 (n from)
            883 LOAD_FAST               36 (n from)
            886 LOAD_ATTR               35 (update)
            889 BUILD_MAP                1
            892 LOAD_GLOBAL             36 (TaskSystem)
            895 LOAD_ATTR               37 (getText)
            898 LOAD_FAST               36 (n from)
            901 LOAD_CONST              46 ('name')
            904 BINARY_SUBSCR
            905 POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE      918
            908 LOAD_FAST               36 (n from)
            911 LOAD_CONST              46 ('name')
            914 BINARY_SUBSCR
            915 JUMP_FORWARD             7 (to 925)
        >>  918 LOAD_FAST               36 (n from)
            921 LOAD_CONST              77 ('id')
            924 BINARY_SUBSCR
        >>  925 LOAD_FAST               36 (n from)
            928 LOAD_CONST              78 ('messageData')
            931 BINARY_SUBSCR
            932 CALL_FUNCTION            2
            935 LOAD_CONST              79 ('text')
            938 STORE_MAP
            939 CALL_FUNCTION            1
            942 POP_TOP
            943 JUMP_ABSOLUTE          877
        >>  946 POP_BLOCK
        >>  947 LOAD_FAST               35 (8 print w)
        >>  950 LOAD_FAST               33 (** ] w del 7)
            953 LOAD_CONST              60 ('tasks')
            956 STORE_SUBSCR
            957 JUMP_ABSOLUTE          963
            960 JUMP_FORWARD             0 (to 963)
        >>  963 LOAD_FAST                6 (t f def &)
            966 LOAD_CONST              80 ('bonus_currency')
            969 BINARY_SUBSCR
            970 LOAD_FAST                5 (d e)
            973 LOAD_CONST              81 ('bonusCurrency')
            976 STORE_SUBSCR
            977 LOAD_FAST                5 (d e)
            980 LOAD_CONST              82 ('resources')
            983 BINARY_SUBSCR
            984 LOAD_FAST                5 (d e)
            987 LOAD_CONST              83 ('personalResources')
            990 STORE_SUBSCR
            991 LOAD_FAST                5 (d e)
            994 LOAD_CONST              84 ('resources_team')
            997 BINARY_SUBSCR
            998 LOAD_FAST                5 (d e)
           1001 LOAD_CONST              85 ('teamResources')
           1004 STORE_SUBSCR
           1005 BUILD_LIST               0
           1008 STORE_FAST              37 (exec finally)
           1011 LOAD_FAST                6 (t f def &)
           1014 LOAD_ATTR               32 (get)
           1017 LOAD_CONST               4 ('is_afk')
           1020 CALL_FUNCTION            1
           1023 POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE     1042
           1026 LOAD_FAST               37 (exec finally)
           1029 LOAD_ATTR               17 (append)
           1032 LOAD_CONST              86 ('afk')
           1035 CALL_FUNCTION            1
           1038 POP_TOP
           1039 JUMP_FORWARD             0 (to 1042)
        >> 1042 LOAD_FAST                6 (t f def &)
           1045 LOAD_ATTR               32 (get)
           1048 LOAD_CONST               6 ('is_tshooter')
           1051 CALL_FUNCTION            1
           1054 POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE     1073
           1057 LOAD_FAST               37 (exec finally)
           1060 LOAD_ATTR               17 (append)
           1063 LOAD_CONST              87 ('tshots')
           1066 CALL_FUNCTION            1
           1069 POP_TOP
           1070 JUMP_FORWARD             0 (to 1073)
        >> 1073 LOAD_FAST                6 (t f def &)
           1076 LOAD_ATTR               32 (get)
           1079 LOAD_CONST               5 ('is_leaver')
           1082 CALL_FUNCTION            1
           1085 POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE     1104
           1088 LOAD_FAST               37 (exec finally)
           1091 LOAD_ATTR               17 (append)
           1094 LOAD_CONST              88 ('leaver')
           1097 CALL_FUNCTION            1
           1100 POP_TOP
           1101 JUMP_FORWARD             0 (to 1104)
        >> 1104 LOAD_FAST               37 (exec finally)
           1107 LOAD_FAST                5 (d e)
           1110 LOAD_CONST              89 ('abuse_components')
           1113 STORE_SUBSCR
           1114 LOAD_FAST                6 (t f def &)
           1117 LOAD_ATTR               32 (get)
           1120 LOAD_CONST               9 ('abuser_status')
           1123 LOAD_CONST               2 (0)
           1126 CALL_FUNCTION            2
           1129 LOAD_FAST                5 (d e)
           1132 LOAD_CONST              90 ('abuse_status')
           1135 STORE_SUBSCR
           1136 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
           1139 RETURN_VALUE
           1140 LOAD_FAST                2 (in elif j try u)
           1143 BINARY_SUBSCR
           1144 LOAD_CONST              24 ('battle_picked_drop_points')
           1147 BINARY_SUBSCR
           1148 POP_BLOCK
           1149 STORE_SUBSCR
           1150 BINARY_SUBSCR
           1151 LOAD_FAST                6 (t f def &)
           1154 LOAD_CONST              59 (<code object 68811780373 at 000002893BAC7D30, file "28380393646326556", line -1>)
           1157 DUP_TOP
           1158 <149>                33091
           1161 <200>                10893
           1164 <254>                33767
           1167 POP_TOP
           1168 STOP_CODE
           1169 JUMP_FORWARD             0 (to 1172)
        >> 1172 LOAD_CONST              58 (<code object 68991130928 at 000002893BAC7C30, file "28380393646326556", line -1>)
           1175 LOAD_ATTR               23 (applyEconomics)
           1178 LOAD_CONST              38 ('is_abuser')
           1181 LOAD_FAST               12 (m while =)
           1184 LOAD_GLOBAL             12 (ShipParams)
           1187 BINARY_SUBSCR
           1188 LOAD_CONST              59 (<code object 68811780373 at 000002893BAC7D30, file "28380393646326556", line -1>)
           1191 LOAD_CONST              22 ('team_captured_points')
           1194 LOAD_CONST              80 ('bonus_currency')
           1197 CALL_FUNCTION_KW      6442
           1200 INPLACE_LSHIFT
           1201 BINARY_OR
           1202 JUMP_ABSOLUTE        38392
           1205 <204>                39872
           1208 MAP_ADD              13678
           1211 INPLACE_DIVIDE
           1212 <162>                14864
           1215 <172>                44480
           1218 <154>                57377
           1221 <152>                10852
           1224 STOP_CODE
           1225 STORE_FAST              23 (continue yield z)
           1228 LOAD_FAST               10 (lambda x o)
           1231 POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE      169
Monstrofil commented 12 months ago

Nevermind ^^

Most of raw data was pretty easy to extract.

wihn2021 commented 7 months ago

Is it supported in 12.8.0 or later versions? only 12_7_0 has related

Monstrofil commented 7 months ago

@wihn2021 data compression mechanism that wg used in post-battle stats is too complex and too closely tied to client script that I don't want to spend time supporting it.

wihn2021 commented 7 months ago

@wihn2021 data compression mechanism that wg used in post-battle stats is too complex and too closely tied to client script that I don't want to spend time supporting it.

Okay. It's pityful to hear that, for I'm interested in extracting results from replays to make cool statistics