Montana-Media-Arts / 120_CreativeCoding

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Week 1 Questions and Discussion -- Fall 2018 #110

Closed michaelmusick closed 5 years ago

michaelmusick commented 5 years ago

Questions about Creative Technology

Please respond to this issue, discussing at least three of these questions. As your classmates respond, you should come back, at least one more time, and respond directly to them!

  1. What is "creative technology" or "creative coding"?

  2. Is Creative Technology or Creative Coding an 'art form'?

  3. What is a Media Artist? And, what is the difference, if any, between a media artist and creative technologist?

  4. How do you see Creative Technology fitting into the larger trends and flows of art?

  5. What is the relationship today between science and art?

  6. What is the historical relationship between science and art?

JoleneTiffanyG commented 5 years ago

@erinflint Also I saw you mentioned you are a jewelry maker. I am too a bit (wire wrapping not fabrication yet) but I was wondering if you use CAD or any other programs to help plan out your designs? I've checked out the work process of some of the really talented jewelry artists and with the very complex pieces many of them use digital aids to map out their visions.

nathanruana commented 5 years ago

Is Creative Technology or Creative Coding an 'art form'? I would say yes you can make so many things with coding know days that re beutiful and powerfull to look at when done. they both can take alot of time to do just like the older forms of art work does.

How do you see Creative Technology fitting into the larger trends and flows of art? I see it making a new way to do art it gives us a new still and way to make things bigger and better that we dent have along time ago.

What is the relationship today between science and art? The relationship between the two are they both are being called art these days some of the science that is being done with diffrent tecnoligy is beautifl and has a new look to it.

JoleneTiffanyG commented 5 years ago

@brittdalton Hey thanks for sharing that TED Talk by Eric Berridge. I really liked his analogy about the soccer team all running into one corner because that's where the ball is. The overall problem of us leaving behind studies in the humanities for studies in tech areas is something I think is very worthwhile for us to discuss. (It's been on my mind the past few years specifically with regards to the University of Montana, inching away from our well-known Liberal Arts options and moving in other directions with great recent casualties to some of those programs and individuals. Not that we need to talk about our school's funding issues, it's just interesting that the issue can be seen so close to home.)
But it's so valuable what he's saying about today's software and even programming being so intuitive that they're "like Legos" and so the real hard work is envisioning the end product, and learning the skills that help humanity work together. Tech is incredibly important, but instead of everyone running to one side of the ship in excitement and capsizing it, we need to appreciate that there are other things worthy of our consideration, and collectively learn to achieve balance. Thank you so much for sharing that, it was an enjoyable and though-provoking listen!

JoleneTiffanyG commented 5 years ago

Apologies if this isn't the appropriate place to post this, but has anyone else had issues downloading p5.js? I've put way too much time into troubleshooting this issue and I feel like I'm missing something very basic. If anyone else has similar issues or might have tips I would really appreciate it!

jballas commented 5 years ago

@JoleneTiffanyG I believe this would be a new issue, rather than commenting to this thread. If you want to repost and give us some more information I bet we can help. Are you using Windows or Mac? What have you tried so far? What folder did you download the file into?

spkvfx commented 5 years ago

@JoleneTiffanyG Just in case you do not already know, bear in mind that p5.js is not an application that you can execute, but rather a javascript library that is interpreted by your browser.

Having downloaded, open the "empty example" folder and edit the sketch.js file. Replace any text with:

function setup() {
    createCanvas(600, 600);

function draw() {
    text("this is a test",0,300);

Then, load the index.html (not sketch.js) into your web browser.

if you look at index.html, you will notice the following tags:

<script src="p5_lib/p5.min.js"></script> this loads the p5.min.js library

<script src="sketch.js"></script> this loads your script.

There are a few other <script> tags that are commented out which extends the core p5.js features.

erinflint commented 5 years ago

@JoleneTiffanyG I personally have not tried CAD for my designs, however I will look into it! It could open an awesome world of possibilities I'm sure.

erinflint commented 5 years ago

@wattse13 I have begun to approach certain pieces of my art with a more scientific mindset when it comes to wire work. It requires me to take into account how much hammering/shaping will effect the final size of my pieces. i.e. if I begin with a one inch long segment of 12g wire, I will eventually be able to hammer it out into a 2 inch long piece of flattened, wide wire. So I suppose I approach my pieces with a mathematical lens.

michaelmusick commented 5 years ago

@jballas is correct, issues that do not relate to the issue topic should be created as new issues!

@JoleneTiffanyG to create a new issue, you simply need to select the "new issue" button in the top-right of this github page.

Mitchrey26 commented 5 years ago

Is Creative Technology or Creative Coding an 'art form'? I would say that creative coding is an art form because you are using skills that you have learned of a long period of time to create something that is aesthetic, and sometimes not everything will play out into the way that you want it but it still works, and thats art. What is the relationship today between science and art? I would say that the relationship between the too is that we are using science to make art in a more interactive way. We see this especially in technology whether it is video games, websites, or movies. these can all be forms of art or they can be ways to entertain. In coding we use this art form to create something that is aesthetically pleasing and something that can be used to interact with the people using it. Art use to be something that we would just look at and observe and now it is becoming more and more of something we can interact with. What is "creative technology" or "creative coding"? Creative coding is when more often than not we are using our coding skills to create something that is aesthetically pleasing and expressional versus something that is done purely out of functionality. i believe that we are still starting to see a blend of this two, however if we are using coding for the art side I hope it would be more for the art rather than the functionality. Creative coding is most commonly used for visual aesthetics.

JoleneTiffanyG commented 5 years ago

@jballas @michaelmusick Understood, thank you!

miranda-foster commented 5 years ago

What is "creative technology" or "creative coding"? Creative technology seems to me to be the new medium for creative production, and creative coding the act of producing such art.

How do you see Creative Technology fitting into the larger trends and flows of art? As we move toward a world further dominated by technology, I think the need for societal enrichment by analytical as well as creative minds will continue with a new way for communication. Thinking about coding as a language aligns it's purpose more closely with that of art: to communicate something! I think that as coding becomes more universal, its relevance as a method for creating art will grow tremendously.

miranda-foster commented 5 years ago

@JoleneTiffanyG your enthusiasm is both inspiring and contagious! I appreciate your responses.