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HW 1 Response - Section 51 #3

Open michaelmusick opened 7 years ago

michaelmusick commented 7 years ago

Please respond to the open issue and discuss your experiences this week as well as things you expect you might get out of this course. Please feel free to build your comments off of each other. You can specifically respond to other people using the "@" following by there GitHub username.

JacksonJustin commented 7 years ago

Something that I had learned from the Internet videos is that I did not know there were different IP addresses for each computer that is on the same ISP in the same building. For instances when they mentioned the boss and worker being on at the same time. The worker and the boss had a different IP address from each other so that they didn't see the same thing on their screens. Also shows the the router is an important factor for the two of them to not have the same thing on their screens.

scottyla19 commented 7 years ago

One element of the internet that I really enjoyed was the TED talk by Andrew Blum. Being fairly familiar with how the web works it was interesting to see how we are actually physically connected. The internet is such a new and important technological invention but the way it is actually wired uses manual labor and ancient port cities. The image of engineers using a hacksaw to cut the intercontinental wire was enlightening.

GabrielleTusberg commented 7 years ago

I remember going over these topics quite quickly during my digital technology class last semester. It was nice going over these topics again and I felt those videos were very understandable and efficient at explaining the process of how the internet works. I also learned something new like @JacksonJustin, I did not know the routers address was important to separate individuals personal experiences on the web while sharing the same ISP. The concepts are still new to me but it's nice to feel like some things are coming together. I'm looking forward to actually fully understanding these topics to the point where I can use them in my future career and possibly be able to teach someone else. Understanding your layout has been a little tricky since this is a new app for me but it's all a part of the new process and I'm sure I'll get the hang of it soon and finding where everything is and what/where our assignments are.

JordanWaldo commented 7 years ago

I feel there is a lot to be learned from this course. I am very new to this subject with little previous experience. Just like @GabrielleTusberg, I agree the videos were very efficient and step-by-step for learning how Internet works. I find it pretty remarkable that computers and other devices can use a binary system of communication yet can still send, receive, and translate such large amounts of information at such a fast rate. Tess Winlock, the software engineer from Google explains that it's physically impossible for a human to translate 8 million bits per second but a machine can. There was a lot of great information discussed throughout the videos.

akasharose commented 7 years ago

Personally, I have to admit I'm a bit nervous about this course -- I've never been too good at learning online, and the concept of writing in html has always been a little daunting to me. I'm starting to get how to use Pressbox, but still.

However, I feel like there's a lot to learn about the internet, especially considering the importance of an internet presence if I hope to succeed as a filmmaker later in my life. Most the stuff this week, technologically speaking, was a review over all the things I've been learning in some of the earlier Media Arts classes. I'm excited to learn more about the behind the scenes of everything I take for granted, and perhaps understand what I use in a new, more informed light.

mcpengilly commented 7 years ago

After watching Andrew Blum's TED Talk and "The Internet: Wires, Cables and Wifi" I gained a much stronger understanding of the physical processes that allow the internet to operate. I previously knew very little about the processes to send information via copper cable, fiber optic cable, and radio wave, as well as the expansive nature of the scale of these connections . Before viewing "The Web is Not The Net" I was unfamiliar with the technical definitions of both the internet, as a system of connection between different networks, and the world wide web, as the utilization of hypertext webs to better connect the internet.

Jessie-Devine commented 7 years ago

I learned the most through the introduction to PowerShell tutorial. I'd never used PowerShell before, and rarely used Command Prompt, so working through that tutorial taught me a lot. I was really pleased when I was able to create, delete, and alter files without touching my mouse. I'm really excited about this class, and I can't wait to learn more.

KaylinKeya commented 7 years ago

"How the Internet Works in 5 Minutes" was a very interesting video. I was definitely unfamiliar with how everything works and I definitely gained a little more of an understanding, however there is still tons I need to learn. The internet and Media is such a huge part of the average American life now-a-days and it's very exciting to know that we get to learn more about it. I am a Media Arts major and this is my first semester fully indulging in learning about the field and I am very excited. I am very nervous about everything being online as I am more of a visual one-on-one learner, but hopefully if I stay on top of the material and ask for help I'll be A-Okay! I'm very much looking forward to learning everything this course has to offer.

VictoriaLassettre commented 7 years ago

Coming into this class, I can say that I am rather ignorant about coding, web development, and even how the Internet beyond the usage of fiberoptics. Like others have mentioned, I had not known about each computer and server had its own IP address, but it makes a lot of sense considering how vast the Internet is. I marvel at how well the Internet works and how fast it works considering the numerous factors that play into communication between a website and a computer, let alone using that website to talk to another computer. I look forward to the daunting task of learning this class entirely online!

MarcLenahan commented 7 years ago

Wow where to start. A lot of what is posted on the first week can seem a little overwhelming in some way but over the course of recent years I have managed to collect some knowledge on different aspects of the command line and directories. Watching the getting started with PowerShell 3.0 video helped with understanding how to better use the PowerShell and command lines all together especially learning what they were kind of built for. Like I said before I have managed to learn some of these commands by working for IT and have dabbled in writing very simple scripts and learning different commands just to look at the status of computers. What I also found interesting was TED talk about in cables that stretch across the oceans and how our connectivity to other countries are actual physical connections from one end to the other. This does seem like a lot and it does intimidate me a little but at the same time I am also excited about this class based on the cool things that grabbed my attention in just this first week. Looking forward to looking at others perspectives as well.

SamiMayzing commented 7 years ago

I was trying to learn a little HTML and CSS on my own a couple months before this class but it just felt like a never ending tide of information and I never knew where to swim to next. I like the way this course is organized, I feel overwhelmed at the beginning but by the end I'm ok. I like reading about different different types of coding. I've heard of Ruby and PHP before but hadn't a clue how they worked or what made them different from actual codes like Javascript. Reading the chapters really helped me organize the information in my mind and now I know those are frameworks. I also didn't realize the importance of routers role in organizing the direction of connecting computers to servers. So I can tell I'm already learning a lot and I'm excited for it to sink in and to really start utilizing the information. I'm hoping by the end of this course I won't be as intimidated by this side of technology and can feel more confident in my abilities to manipulate a computer and programs.

KeeganWidhalm commented 7 years ago

After looking at all of the information presented for week one, it is kind of overwhelming. I didn't realize that so much went into web development and the internet as a whole. The TED talk and PowerShell videos, however, were very helpful in making this information much more understandable. I am a Resource Conservation major so I don't have any experience when it comes to web development or coding or the internet besides research. I took this class because I wanted to learn how to create a website which I believe would help me when I start my own business. I hope to learn more about coding, web development, and the internet and technology as a whole.

brittanyherrmann commented 7 years ago

Looking over the information for this course I am really interested to see where this class takes me. I have always been intrigued about the internet and how it is developed. One video that I really found interesting was The Web Not the Net, I have always wondered the difference between the web and internet. What I didnt realize is the internet was first created to connect computers together within a group but the web was created to connect the internet to communicate with everyone. Although I am excited, I am also feeling alittle overwhelmed but I am looking forward to the next few months in the course.

timkolberg commented 7 years ago

@Jessie-Devine I also learned some interesting things from the Introduction to PowerShell 3.0 tutorial video, specifically I was unaware that PowerShell 3.0 had built-in recognition for some of the Unix-based commands such as "ls" and "clear". I have used PowerShell before for certain tasks that I've performed through researching and troubleshooting issues that I've experienced in the Windows operating system environment, and I've also learned a little CLI in Unix (specifically mostly various Linux distributions e.g. Ubuntu) so having that familiarity makes me feel good to know that Microsoft thought about both types of users/admins (the Windows and Unix crowd) when releasing the PowerShell 3.0 update, as I fancy certain CLI syntax derived from Unix more so than the DOS/Windows CLI commands!

amandawinkler7753 commented 7 years ago

I'm so happy to see that it looks like I'm not the only one who is barley starting out. I've used photoshop and editing things like that but when it comes to different command keys I still struggle with learning the different ones. I really need to work on learning the command line interface. It would make my photoshopping time cut in half.

joekinner commented 7 years ago

Despite being introduced to many new terms and ideas, i am excited to continue to learn. My experience is only basic computer skills, but i consider myself a fast-paced learner. I like the layout of this course and all of the videos helped a lot. overall i am satisfied with weeks 1! I was hoping to come out of this course with the skills to build my own website and that sounds exactly what we will be doing so thats good!

ellenkuehl commented 7 years ago

My father was one of the first people to own a computer in our rural town of Bridger, Montana. He owned a computer before the internet was easily accessible in our area. I had a love for playing Winnie The Pooh games, and my fascination with computers started at the age of 3 years old. My family would praise me and say, "Look how smart little Ellen is! She can navigate the computer so easily!" And I felt like I knew so much about the computer as I continued to play my games (as all 3-year-olds do). Fast forward 20 years and I had felt somewhat adequate about my computer knowledge...until I signed up for this class!! After watching the required videos and reading Unix For the Beginning Mage, I feel like I know absolutely nothing about the internet and the protocols behind it. But, that being said, I'm incredibly excited to learn more about one of my first fascinations. I feel like 3/4 of the information that I heard or read today was something I didn't know previously....

What was really interesting to me was learning how physical the internet is. Like I had no idea that internet was connected continent to continent through giant cables thousands of miles long. I knew that there were different methods of sending internet data, but did know you could send radio signals with copper wire, or light information through fiber-optics... I didn't think we physically connected in order to receive and send information. I guess I thought that satellites were involved and that most sent data was invisible. I have tried tagging those who have mentioned this before me say, per instructions, but am unable to tag anyone at this moment...

I also found it interesting that Routers are in charge of Packet-traffic, and that these packets of information can travel different routes depending on the congestion of traffic. Never would I guess that internet information can take different routes like I can in a car.

Last but not least, I had no idea that there was a difference between ''the internet'' and 'the web.' Point plain, I'm really excited for this class!

OliviaColeman commented 7 years ago

I felt like the videos about what the internet is were pretty interesting. I didn't know that information was sent in bits. I also found it interesting how fiber optic cables work. I am struggling with the Windows PowerShell application. I am slow with technology like this, and I have never used it before. I honestly feel very overwhelmed with all of this information. The PowerShell Beginner's Guide was quite confusing once you hit step #5. It is hard to balance this class with accounting, an internship, and critical analysis for business. What I'm hoping to get out of this semester is better understanding of technology like this. I would like to be able to create a website for myself. I make jewelry, so it would be cool to sell my jewelry online.

JackCarol59 commented 7 years ago

It was interesting to further understand how wifi and cell towers link into the internet. I feel as though i had some of the concepts down for how the internet actually worked, but this was then made 'magic' again with iphones and wifi. Interesting to find out how, still, undyingly physical the internet really is. Also I had assumed IP addresses had maybe updated in some way, but finding out the real details of that was enlightening. Still, just the fact that the internet is still really a few wires wrapped around the world remains to boggle my mind.

I'm a media arts minor, interested in computer design processes in general, so i consider this class to be a real keystone in advancement in posssible career avenues. I'm worried that me and my computer wont keep up, but i'm ready for the challenge, both technologically and just overall.

rebekahH commented 7 years ago

I'm very interested by the way this course is laid out. I feel like I am in over my head and am very overwhelmed, if I am to be honest. In the Andrew Blum video he uses a quote from Neal Stephenson; "Wired people should know something about wires..." and that is what I feel that this class is going to teach me, the magic that happens behind the curtain or a peak under the hood.

JakeTheFlare commented 7 years ago

I have taken a few web design classes in the past, and I have a bit of a standard knowledge about HTML coding and how to structure a website, though I am hoping to further improve my skills by taking this course. I also learned about how the internet works in my Digital Technology class last semester, and based on what I learned from that and watching the Week 1 videos, I find it very interesting. Pretty cool how the internet actually shares information with a whole bunch of other networks and servers in order to deliver it to the destination. I am starting to get the hang of using Terminal on my computer and the directories, though I still have a lot of things I hope to learn and need to practice on, like; how to open existing files and programs, moving files, and all that stuff. All in all, this may be a challenging class, but I believe I can get through it all if I just follow directions and ask for help when I need it.

PirreTaylor commented 7 years ago

As mentioned by @scottyla19 , the TED talk discussing the physical aspects of how the internet functions was fascinating. One thing that especially struck me is how some wires have to be routed beneath and across the sea in order to create communication routes for information to travel. While the video mentions manual labor being used to bring the wires to land, I wonder what techniques are used to place the wires beneath the sea.

As for my expectations of this course, I am rather apprehensive due to having only a limited knowledge of programming language that I acquired from a course I dabbled in last semester. Still, I am excited to learn more about and hopefully master the techniques of web design and coding because I feel that a personal website would be an excellent asset for marketing my artwork and portfolio. I look forward to seeing what I will learn from this course, and hope that this semester will be one of great academic progress.

ghost commented 7 years ago

It seems that I share apprehension for the content of this course with many of my classmates. I'm certainly an avid internet user in my daily life- social media, email, course work, my job etc. However, I definitely wouldn't consider myself an expert. Watching the videos for this week's assignment made me realize just how little I know. @rebekahH certainly said it best, I too am "in over my head." I was so blissfully unaware of the details of how the internet works. I'm excited to learn more about the technical processes and also to eventually have a working knowledge that will allow me to express some creativity.

livgomes commented 7 years ago

I really enjoyed watching the videos and reading this week’s course materials, but I’m not going to lie and say that I, like many others, am not a bit nervous for the work that is to come, but I can say, I am quite excited to jump right in. I have previously taken a programming class when in high school and am currently taking “intro into digital technology” and so I have very, very briefly touched on a few of the topics that came up in this week one module but nowhere as close in detail, so that excites me. The video “how the internet works in 5 minutes” was probably my favourite video this week, I had never actually sat down and thought about what the internet entails, how it functions, what factors contribute to make it what it is today and the most basic, what is it! It just fascinates me to think that the internet is a wire, a wire that crosses all the oceans and land boundaries, using electricity, light and radio to transmit and share data from one system to the other, anywhere around the world. The intricate details that go into each transmission of data, whether it is sending a text, opening a webpage or logging into Facebook is simply mind-blowing! I look forward to using the knowledge we will learn in this class, to allow me to better understand how the internet works and to use that knowledge to help me write and run my own personalized webpage.

tjgambardella1991 commented 7 years ago

I signed up for this course with the goal of learning to create, design, and manage my own web page, and after reading the introduction to the course it sounds like that is exactly what we'll be learning. Im looking forward to the weekly lessons and taking in as much as I can.

duanegulick commented 7 years ago

Sounds like I'll get a lot of web design stuff out of this class. Which sounds super duper fun and I couldn't be more excited.


I didn't think that I would ever want to take this class in a million years but now that I've started it, I feel like I will look back on my time taking this course as the best days of my life.

Thank you for this majestic opportunity in my life.

Sorry this is late. I was just so overwhelmed by how badly I wanted to do the work in this class that I had to take a couple weeks to hyperventilate in a public bathroom. I emerged a changed man, though, and I am ready for all the knowledge!

Dylan-McClean commented 7 years ago

After reviewing the website course material as a great basic overview of some of the major elements, terms and technologies of web development I am looking forward to learning more about the web. I took web design in high school which was a major dive into https and html so I am very familiar with basics of coding for web development. Watching the videos of week one really simplified some of the confusing ideas behind how we get access to the internet and what it is really. I am looking forward to understanding more on how computer coded web technology functions.

JustineEvansUM commented 7 years ago

This is a test post. @JustineEvansUM


michaelmusick commented 7 years ago

This is a reply to your test post.

daynagroendyke commented 7 years ago

Wow, so much content about the web. It is amazing to me how we were raised on the internet, yet none of us actually think bout how it works unless we intend to have a career in it. I chuckled a little when that was pointed out repeatedly in the videos. While watching Andrew Blum's Ted Talk I was surprised to realize that the internet is connected with fiber optic cables that span across the ocean. It is always humbling when i'm forced to think about the massive scale of the world, and the internet. I had always imagined the internet was connected through satellites. I also enjoyed the video, The Internet: Wires, Cables, & Wifi, it did a great job clarifying what fiberoptic internet is and how it works. It makes so much sense, yet it's amazing to think about the steps we needed to take mentally to get to this level in technology. I hope that this class can help me to better navigate through this life as an artist. I believe that knowing the information provided in this course will be beneficial in promoting myself as an artist. I can't wait to have a better understanding of what's "under the hood" of a webpage.