Montana-Media-Arts / 341-work

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fresh set of eyes #46

Open ZachKrell opened 7 years ago

ZachKrell commented 7 years ago

Hey, I'm just looking to get a fresh set of eyes on this weeks assignment. Repo: Live:

Does anyone have any suggestions? Do you think its right where it needs to be? I don't know I've been staring at it for hours and just need some possible feed back, anything would help.


MediaArts-Montana commented 7 years ago

What about centering you content? (margin: 0 auto;)

It would be nice if your content would reflow. So on a desktop computer, or a large browser window, boxes are side by side, and then on a smaller window, they “dropdown” to a single column. Use flexbox to achieve this.

Also, in mobile mode, your content should probably be 100% in width.

With regard to color, I think the black text on blue background is tough to read.

Also, what about making a header that extends across the entire width of the browser?

Finally, I would suggest changing the default padding and margin of body to 0.

ghost commented 7 years ago

Hey Zach- I agree that the first block of text is difficult to read.

I also agree that the heading seems to be missing something at the top.

My other big suggestion would be to have your pages that are linked in the drop down link back to your main page! In other words, the user shouldn't have to click the back button to get back to the main page, there should be a way to navigate "home"