Montana-Media-Arts / 341-work

Resource repo and homework wiki for MART341-WebDev
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Alyssa Blank: Hw 1 Response- Section 51 #5

Open AlyssaBlank opened 7 years ago

AlyssaBlank commented 7 years ago

I took Digital Technology of the Arts last semester as well as @GabrielleTusberg did and we just skimmed the surface of what the internet is in addition to what makes up a lot of other different things, but I am excited to go more in depth and learn more. I am very new to Website Design and have only taken one class in high school my Sophomore year so I am nervous but intrigued to learn more!

Just like @KaylinKeya, I really enjoyed the video on "How the Internet Works in 5 minutes". I am an extremely visual learner and sometimes online classes and videos confuse me and make it difficult to understand the message or what is expected of me but this video was perfect for me! I loved how it had pictures and explained everything step by step. It really helps me further understand how intricate this tool we call the internet really is!

I expect that I am going to be on this help site a lot throughout the semester. Hopefully by the end of this class I will be a Web Site building machine!