Montana-Media-Arts / 441-WebTech

Resource Repository for MART 441 - Web Technologies
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First Problem in HW4 #11

Open JakeTheFlare opened 6 years ago

JakeTheFlare commented 6 years ago

Does anyone get the first problem in the HW4 assignment? I'm just completely confused right now.

JonSwallow commented 6 years ago

function funcDeclaration() { return 'A function declaration'; }

var funcExpression = function () { return 'A function expression'; }

the waters were muddied labeling it definition. Instead of declaration.

ellenkuehl commented 6 years ago

Jon's function looks correct- that's what I have for the first problem as well!

marchendrickson commented 6 years ago

It asked us to log it into the console so instead of return shouldn't you use the console.log(the result)

JonSwallow commented 6 years ago

@marchendrickson You are right I used console.log in mine. What I posted earlier was the best example I could find as far as the difference between a declaration and expression. Good call I should have been clearer as well. Cheers!!

michaelmusick commented 6 years ago

You all are on the right track!

JakeTheFlare commented 6 years ago

Thank you so much everyone.