Montana-Media-Arts / webDesignFall2023-resources

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Weslee Shear Intro #14

Open WesleeS opened 10 months ago

WesleeS commented 10 months ago

Hi! If there was a class meetup yet, I regrettably missed that. I'm a late-join to this class! I was supposed to take another web design class, but the teacher evaporated into thin air and I had to register for this one instead.

I'm a comp-sci sophomore with a concentration in Data Science (think "ad analytics" or other predictive algorithms and API connections). Very code-literate, if you need help I'm more than willing to pitch in. Well, maybe. I'm a very scatterbrained individual and me focusing on backend should be a dark omen. I've made some websites previously, and if you want to read more I have a portfolio I wrote for a course requirement. All in "Blazor", a .NET framework. I suggest ah, not looking too hard at this one. I don't think I even implemented "good" scaling for the viewport on different sized monitors. I believe we'll be working in a few other frameworks here though? Very excited!

I plan on going to PAX Unplugged this year, which is a big expo for boardgames/tabletop games, and I think that should speak volumes about me and my interests. Coding, TTRPGs, good-ish at platform fighters

avaorr commented 10 months ago

Hi Weslee, it seems like you are very passionate about coding which is great! Data Science is a fast growing field and there are a lot of cool opportunities out there!

WesleeS commented 10 months ago

Thanks Ava! Your interest in managing large swathes of data (especially regarding illness) is totally up my alley and I can see why you learned R. And depending if we use Django or Flask for this class your python experience will fit right in.

EthanKaull commented 10 months ago

Data science is legit brother. It's hard for some people to convey their personality over text though I can already tell you're not one of those people. It'll be great learning with you this semester!