Montana-Media-Arts / webDesignFall2023-resources

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Bethany Heisey Intro #4

Open blheisey opened 1 year ago

blheisey commented 1 year ago

I'm Bethany, and I'm a junior. My major is computer science, and I'm going to pursue software engineering. I'm originally from MS. Then, I lived in PA for a while before my family moved to MT, where I've lived ever since. In my free time I enjoy cooking and playing Nintendo games with my sisters. I don't know anything about web design, but I'm excited to learn!

bjbadelles commented 1 year ago

Hi Bethany! I enjoy cooking too, and I stayed in PA for a cool month back in 2022, it was in scranton.

Tennisenhiller commented 1 year ago

Hi Bethany! I am also pursuing software engineering and have no knowledge about web design. Hopefully we can find ways to work together to do well this semester!

teylah commented 1 year ago

I also enjoy cooking!