Montana-Media-Arts / webDesignFall2023-resources

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Intro - Gabby Kottke #40

Open gabbykottke opened 1 year ago

gabbykottke commented 1 year ago

Hi, I'm Gabby and I am a senior in Marketing this year. I've never worked with web design on the backhand side and know nothing about coding but I am very excited to learn. Being able to make a web page and completely customize is relevant to so many parts of life whether they are hobbies or work. Outside of school I love reading and pottery. I'm excited for a great semester!

tanyalittle commented 1 year ago

Ooohh, pottery sounds like so much fun!!! Would you mind posting some things you've made?! I'm also an avid reader; what kinds of books do you like to read? I agree that web design can come in handy in all aspects of life and is a wonderful art on its own! :)