Montori / Bottius

A discord Bot being developed. We don't know what the result will be
GNU General Public License v3.0
5 stars 4 forks source link

Make Bottius Installer #148

Closed Montori closed 4 years ago

Montori commented 4 years ago

Installer should:

Montori commented 4 years ago

ormconfig.json should look like this

    "type": "postgres",
    "url": "postgres://!DB_USER!:!DB_PASSWORD!@!DB_HOST!:!DB_PORT!/!DB_NAME!",
    "entities": ["out/Entities/Persistent/*.js"],
    "migrations": ["out/Migration/*.js"],
    "cli": {
        "migrationsDir": "source/Migration"

All fields that are marked with !SOMETHING! should be automatically set by the installer

Montori commented 4 years ago

botconfig.json should look like this

  "token": "!BOT_TOKEN!",
  "prefix": "!PREFIX!",
  "masters": ["275355515003863040", "182896862477549577", "!OWNER_DISCORDID!"],
  "activity": "",
  "activityStatus": ""

Again, all fields marked with !SOMETHING! should be set by the installer. If the installing user did not set an discord ID then it shouldnt be set in the botconfig either.

Montori commented 4 years ago

@StrangeRanger I created an issue for you so you dont need to scroll all the way up on discord all the time. If new details occur we can add them here as well. If you want to make your own issues you can use the new Topic: Installer label for it

Montori commented 4 years ago

You need to add a line in pg_hba.conf at the host section

host all all md5

and you need to edit the

listen_adress in the postgresql.conf to listen_adress='*'

The actions above are just mandatory if a user chooses to make the db open to the internet

if a user chooses to make it open for the internet a password must be mandatory