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Tutorial documentation/check (particularly Tutorial 3) #151

Open rachmacd opened 5 years ago

rachmacd commented 5 years ago

All tutorials: Hierarchical properties enrichment instructions This is really minor and of course we can all cope, but it would be clearer/quicker if instructions for the drop down menus were in the same order as they appear on screen: property type, higher linguistic type, lower linguistic type, rather than having property type last as currently.

Tutorial 3 specific:

Step 3: Query A typo ‘…it is not necessary to construct a query.’ is presumably meant to be ‘…it is now necessary…’

When carrying out this query I click ‘add filter’, select stress from the dropdown box and enter ‘1’ in the space under ‘value’ as instructed but then see a warning box saying ‘no label matching 1’. Is this a problem? I imagine that this simply refers to the fact that there is nothing which is solely '1' but that we are looking for the '1' in the stress pattern?

Dependent on target audience some may need to be reminded to install tidyverse first before using the library() function. In addition trying to use ‘filter’ caused my R to crash and I had to reload some relevant packages, I gather one of our RAs struggled with it too. It may have been something to do with installing tidyverse when I had some of the constituent packages installed already, perhaps a version issue related to this?

R code for checking how many words there are for each number of syllables may also be useful as this is mentioned in the instructions – I know it’s basic but there does seem to be a few options, with the count function in the plyr package being the easiest I think? E.g.: >count(df, “word_num_syllables”)

mmcauliffe commented 5 years ago

Ok, some of these are fixed now, the main outstanding one is that the stress still has the "no matching labels", but it still works alright.