MontyTRC89 / Tomb-Editor

Tomb Editor
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TE: Object Groups and Trigger Groups #827

Open Raildex opened 2 months ago

Raildex commented 2 months ago

I propose a feature that lets you group objects together logically.

We can already multi select objects in TE, but this proposal goes a way further: Object Groups should be their own thing entirely. Copying a Group copies all objects relative to the root object. this would let you copy/paste object/static constellations pretty quickly. For example a Torch Holder + Flame Emitter could be group. Copying the group would let you place the setup across the level with ease.

A group can have two options: spatial and trigger. A spatial group is the aforementioned setup of multiple objects that can be moved and placed together. An object can be only in one spatial group.

A trigger group is a way to trigger multiple objects at once, similar to TRNG Trigger Groups work. An object can be in multiple Trigger Groups. Instead of triggering a single object, you trigger the group and all objects in that group are triggered.

For Engines without scripting, such as TR1-3, this can help where you want to activate/deactive many objects at once.

Group Triggers can be implemented by creating a proxy Trigger instance for a group. And on compilation, the trigger list is populated with the actual objects in that group.


Joey79100 commented 2 months ago

A TriggerGroup in TRNG is a group or triggers, which may include many things and not just activating objects. It is the ItemGroup that has exactly the function you're proposing: activating (or "triggering") a group of objects.

(just a detail but good to keep in mind to avoid possible confusions if this gets implemented)