Moo-Ack-Productions / MCprep

Blender python addon to increase workflow for creating minecraft renders and animations
GNU General Public License v3.0
268 stars 25 forks source link

Updated test run script and refreshed data file for MC 1.20.5 #564

Closed TheDuckCow closed 1 month ago

TheDuckCow commented 1 month ago

Like the description says, a mostly automated update but also fixing the test script so it can run again with the latest blender addon builder v0.4.0 release.

Current test results (just did 1x blender version), all in the clear.

bversion    ran_tests   ran skips   failed  errors
(3.6.2)     all_tests   65  2   0   No errors
tests took 16s to run, ending with code 0
TheDuckCow commented 1 month ago

FYI @StandingPadAnimations in case you run into the test script not working.

Would love to get to a github action auto runner at some point, even if it's just for one version of blender.

TheDuckCow commented 1 month ago

Going to go ahead and merge this in the meantime, the fast option will be good but can be its own task for sure.