MoonModules / WLED

Control WS2812B and many more types of digital RGB LEDs with an ESP8266 or ESP32 over WiFi! MoonModules adds features on top of upstream.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Game of Life Memory Leak Fix + Other Changes #133

Closed Brandon502 closed 3 days ago

Brandon502 commented 1 month ago

Fixed memory leak using new. Removed gameoflife struct and reverted back to using pointers to (similar to starLeds version).

Added Blur slider. Blurs dead cells slowly to bgColor depending on slider instead of immediately dying. Doesn't effect game logic.

Removed confusing pauseFrames, uses .step to pause now.

Keeps track of last palette used and immediately recolors cells if new palette/color selected. Can be improved.

Changes gameSpeed slider to be more consistent. Speed = updates/second now in increments of 4.

Brandon502 commented 1 month ago

Please look over palette change code and game speed. I couldn't figure out a way to store the actual previous palette used, so it cheats by just using the first color of the palette. This works most of the time. Only doesn't switch immediately if two palettes share same 0 index color (rainbow/rainbow stripe). Game update speed is capped to 64 updates/second which may be too fast depending on setup. Not sure if this can cause issues so may need adjusting.

softhack007 commented 3 weeks ago

Hi, thanks for this update. I'll look into the details like game speed in the next days, and then we can merge it into the code for the new release of WledMM (it's still the same "upcoming" release)

I couldn't figure out a way to store the actual previous palette used, so it cheats by just using the first color of the palette

You could use uint8_t currentPal = SEGMENT.palette; to get the current palette ID. Downside: sometimes a palette is dynamically adjusted, while the ID stays the same. For example: during effect blending, or when using one of the audioreactive palettes. So this would also not make the code 100% bullet proof.

But your "cheat" is OK for me, too. It doesn't need to be a perfect solution.

Brandon502 commented 3 weeks ago

uint8_t currentPal = SEGMENT.palette;

Some how overlooked this. Didn't think about palettes that change overtime, keeping the first color would work better for those. Each method seems to have a slight drawback, implementing both would be overkill. I'll have to test out those special palettes.

I have a few more changes I've made in StarLeds that I need to convert to WLED and push. Finally figured out a way to make blending look better when a game starts repeating.

Brandon502 commented 3 weeks ago

I'll post videos when I get a chance later. Code is a bit more complicated, especially the new redraw loop. Added new blend option when blur slider >220. There is an unintended effect when you have two segments and overlay off. Looks really good on high game speeds, but breaks (flashes) on lower ones. Tried a few ways to get it working on lower speeds but no luck.

Default parameters don't seem to be working. May just be using progmem incorrectly. Edit: It works, just had WLED setting enabled that ignores default.

futureCells is technically not needed to be stored in memory. It is only needed when game updates occur.

@softhack007 I ended going with your suggestion with storing palette index. It looks nicer with palettes that cycle. Only downside is if using single/gradient color wheel options they don't instantly switch. Still works overtime though, so not a huge deal.

Brandon502 commented 3 weeks ago

Short video showing the new options.

Edit: Fixed flicker issue. Can now swap between overlay types.

Brandon502 commented 3 weeks ago

Stress tested on a 64x32 matrix with 4 pins. Showing 30 FPS with max game speed. 40+ when updating is set to 20/sec.

Rainbow Background Overlay a bit higher FPS around 33. Opposite "overlay" 24 FPS.

Brandon502 commented 6 days ago

Is this a known issue regarding overlays "breaking"?

Normal overlay:

Glitched overlay:

Seems like the segments start sharing colors instead of keeping them separate. It allows for some neat effects. Just makes debugging annoying when I don't want it to happen.

softhack007 commented 6 days ago

Is this a known issue regarding overlays "breaking"?

Normally not - only two exceptions that I know about

Brandon502 commented 6 days ago

@softhack007 I think I made all your recommended changes. Although I am not sure when to use uint32_t wled_color = uint32_t(fastled_color) & 0x00FFFFFF conversion. Currently just set all CRGB to uint32. Everything seems to work, using color_blend didn't have a noticeable affect on FPS on my end, ~+1 FPS.

There is one last thing I'd like to add to ease transition between games. It doesn't seem to want to cooperate with all options yet though.

Brandon502 commented 6 days ago

Finally got alive cells to spawn in randomly on game start working on everything, but overlayBG. Had a small flicker on start so decided to remove it. Looks a lot better with transition between games. The redraw loop is even more complicated now unfortunately.

Brandon502 commented 6 days ago

Thanks, looks good 👍

Just tell once you're happy with the code, and i'll merge it into mdev.

Sounds good, I'll play around with it some more for a day or two to make sure everything is working normally and no bugs pop up. I'll let you know soon.

Brandon502 commented 3 days ago

@softhack007 Haven't run into any bugs on my setup so far. Feel free to merge whenever.