MoonModules / WLED

Control WS2812B and many more types of digital RGB LEDs with an ESP8266 or ESP32 over WiFi! MoonModules adds features on top of upstream.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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I2SClocklessLedDriver based Output #135

Open netmindz opened 1 month ago

netmindz commented 1 month ago

Add I2SClocklessLedDriver to compare with the existing NeoPixelBus output driver to see if this any better at avoiding flicker/gltiches

netmindz commented 1 month ago

Same issue as the FastLED branch, the config will work when you first apply, but not properly saving to the config file to survive a reboot. Had same issue with the Hub75 driver so need to remind myself what the secret to getting that to work was

netmindz commented 1 month ago

Note: I2s currently clashes with the AudioReactive usermod, so this needs to be disabled at present. If the LED output is actually of use, we can look to fix this clash

softhack007 commented 2 weeks ago

Looking at the CI builds, it seems that the I2SClockless only supports esp32, while it fails to compile on -S3, -S2 and -C3. Or we are just missing the right build flags?

netmindz commented 1 week ago