MoonModules / WLED

Control WS2812B and many more types of digital RGB LEDs with an ESP8266 or ESP32 over WiFi! MoonModules adds features on top of upstream.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Add YandexWeather Usermod #99

Closed 2Grey closed 6 months ago

2Grey commented 6 months ago

Add V2 Usermod for getting weather data from Yandex Weather service.


ewoudwijma commented 6 months ago

Cool! We have also the weather usermod. Using openweather. Did you look into that? Maybe we could merge this into this usermod. It also displays weather bars on a 2D display

2Grey commented 6 months ago

There are some differences in APIs, which, it seems to me, prevents us from unifying solutions and creating a common interface (protocol) for them.


Feature Yandex OpenWeather
Units Celsius All
Forecast Next two parts of day Next 5 days (3 hours step)

Units isn't a problem, i can convert Celsius to other ones. But difference of forecast is huge.

ewoudwijma commented 6 months ago

Okay, still would be nice if in some way we could unify it. But for now I merge your pull request and we first start playing with it ;-) Thx for contributing ! Kind regards Ewoud

dosipod commented 6 months ago

@2Grey Is only in Russian ? I was able to compile it and create a user with yandex but lost in the site trying to get the api key

2Grey commented 6 months ago

@2Grey Is only in Russian ? I was able to compile it and create a user with yandex but lost in the site trying to get the api key

As far as I understand the documentation is only in Russian, but there is English for the Developer's Account

API Documentation: Original | Translated

Developer's Account

If the account page is in Russian, click on the Russian flag at the bottom of the page and select your preferred language