MoonMoonLight / prj-rev-bwfs-dasmoto

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Open blerude opened 6 years ago

blerude commented 6 years ago

Grade: Exceeds Expectations

This is a phenomenal take on this project! Your code is complete, clean, and clear. Your consistent formatting makes it easy to read and follow, and you have a great handle on how to apply classes and ids, and when to use which. Your CSS is concise and efficient as well!

Moving forward, I only encourage that you start commenting your code. That's a valuable habit to develop early, especially for when your projects get larger and more complex. Also, feel free to take liberties with your CSS to make your project more visually engaging. A few resources to help you do that are Google Fonts for finding cool fonts, and, which generates free color palettes to implement in your design. You might find those fun to play with, and they'll help you infuse your apps with your own style. Again, great job and congratulations!

MoonMoonLight commented 6 years ago

Thank you for your time and kind attention! Where should I use comments on CSS and HTML? I would be really glad if you could give me tips about that. Once again, thank you.

blerude commented 6 years ago

This project is small, so commenting isn't that necessary. The suggestion was mostly to consider as you move forward onto bigger projects. It's good to leave comments before each section of code, so like one indicating the header, one atop the products section (paint, brushes, frames). Comments clearly break up different groups of elements in your projects (you can see why it's less relevant here because there's only one main group of elements: the arts/crafts products). In your CSS, the same thing applies. Comments indicating 'this set of stylings is universal' or 'this set is applied to the elements in the paint group' are helpful because it tells those reading your code where those stylings are actually applied in the HTML.

Does that provide a little guidance? Let me know if you have more questions.

MoonMoonLight commented 6 years ago

Thank you so much for the explanation, it was really enlightening.

I guess, for now, I have no more questions. Thank you.

Hope you have a wonderful evening! =)