Moonbase59 / loudgain

ReplayGain 2.0 loudness normalizer based on the EBU R128/ITU BS.1770 standard (-18 LUFS, FLAC, Ogg, MP2, MP3, MP4, M4A, AAC, ALAC, Opus, ASF, WMA, WAV, AIFF, WavPack, APE)
182 stars 23 forks source link

rgbpm2 doesn't work anymore seemly since Ubuntu 20.04.1 SOLVED #40

Closed Eduardo-EazyEZ closed 3 years ago

Eduardo-EazyEZ commented 3 years ago

Thank you for this awesome program, I believe yesterday my machine was updated from Ubuntu 20.04 to 20.04.1 I am not really sure. On Monday my /home disk got somehow locked without me noticing, not knowing any better I reinstalled and since then no matter where I put be it /home/e/bin or /usr/local/bin or run it from the git clone /home/e/Software/loudgain/bin it doesn't work anymore where just a few days ago it did. rgbpm on the other hand works just fine, this is the output i get from running rgbpm2 Screenshot from 2020-12-22 20-22-25

Moonbase59 commented 3 years ago

Hi there! Looks like it cannot find python. Did you install it? Or is Python 2.x now finally being removed?

Eduardo-EazyEZ commented 3 years ago

Hi! Thank you for the speedy answer. As I was having the same trouble with other python apps it totally fell of my mind I had opened this issue with loudgain. You are right python2 is no more and wether you install it (I did) or not you'd get the same output. I found my solution at and picked the second offered solution which worked like a charm. For Ubuntu 20.04 just:

sudo apt-get install python-is-python3

Sorry I forgot to flga this solved. Merry Christmas if that is your thing and a happy New Year again if you count like I do ;)

Moonbase59 commented 3 years ago

Happy you solved it, and thanks for the feedback! All the best, and stay safe!