Moondiidev / PennState-Class-Scheduler

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Add crud for courses #11

Closed MattStrauss closed 3 years ago

MattStrauss commented 3 years ago


Add CRUD (create, read, update and delete) functionality to the app. Also added the testing environment setup and a few basic automated tests for the Course model. To run the test locally you run php artisan test or vendor/bin/phpunit

Important Changes

Changed the default seeded user password to scheduleMe9 as Google was given me a hassle about saving the credentials with password as the password

Passing Tests

macbook@Matthews-MacBook-Air PennState-Class-Scheduler % php artisan test            

   PASS  Tests\Feature\CourseTest
  ✓ auth user can visit index
  ✓ auth user sees correct courses on index
  ✓ guest can not visit index
  ✓ dev auth user can visit edit
  ✓ non dev auth user can not visit edit
  ✓ guest can not visit edit
  ✓ dev auth user can visit create
  ✓ non dev auth user can not visit create
  ✓ guest can not visit create

  Tests:  9 passed
  Time:   0.87s