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Moonshine is a free and open source middleweight IDE built with ActionScript 3 for ActionScript 3, Apache Flex®, Apache Royale™, and Feathers development, with Cloud and Desktop support.
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Apache Royale Browser Project has problems with launching and rendering #1070

Open Aszusz opened 2 years ago

Aszusz commented 2 years ago

This is a video showing exactly what's happening:

Aszusz commented 2 years ago

I can reproduce the Firefox issue on my Windows laptop but the Chrome rendering issue doesn't occur. If nobody else can reproduce this it may be a virtualization issue.

rat-moonshine commented 2 years ago

@piotrzarzycki21 is this something a known issue with Mozilla?

piotrzarzycki21 commented 2 years ago

@joshtynjala do you think this is something which you should look ? This is exact stacktrace:

: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
:   at actionScripts.plugins.debugAdapter::DebugAdapterPlugin/debugAdapter_onAttachOrLaunchError()[/Users/piotrzarzycki/Dev/prominic/Moonshine/Moonshine-IDE/ide/MoonshineDESKTOPevolved/src/actionScripts/plugins/debugAdapter/]
:   at moonshine.dsp::DebugAdapterClient/parseResponseMessage()[/Users/joshtynjala/Development/Work/prominic/moonshine-openfl-debug-adapter-client/src/moonshine/dsp/DebugAdapterClient.hx:408]
:   at moonshine.dsp::DebugAdapterClient/parseProtocolMessage()[/Users/joshtynjala/Development/Work/prominic/moonshine-openfl-debug-adapter-client/src/moonshine/dsp/DebugAdapterClient.hx:341]
:   at moonshine.dsp::DebugAdapterClient/parseMessageBuffer()[/Users/joshtynjala/Development/Work/prominic/moonshine-openfl-debug-adapter-client/src/moonshine/dsp/DebugAdapterClient.hx:330]
:   at moonshine.dsp::DebugAdapterClient/debugAdapterClient_input_onData()[/Users/joshtynjala/Development/Work/prominic/moonshine-openfl-debug-adapter-client/src/moonshine/dsp/DebugAdapterClient.hx:583]
joshtynjala commented 2 years ago

Yeah, I'll take a look.

joshtynjala commented 2 years ago

I fixed the null exception, but launching in Firefox is still failing. I might need to update the Firefox debug adapter to a newer version.

joshtynjala commented 2 years ago

I fixed the null exception, but launching in Firefox is still failing.

I tried updating the Firefox debug adapter, but no luck. I actually can't seem to launch Firefox in VSCode's debugger either, so it's not just Moonshine.

joshtynjala commented 2 years ago

I actually can't seem to launch Firefox in VSCode's debugger either, so it's not just Moonshine.

Restarted my computer to be safe, and VSCode can launch Firefox now. However, trying to launch Firefox from Moonshine is now giving me this error: