Moonshine-IDE / Moonshine-SDK-Installer

To take full advantage of Moonshine IDE you will need third party SDKs like Apache® Flex or Apache® Royale. In order to make it easier for you to setup the required SDKs, we created the Moonshine SDK Installer.
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Update README with Build Instructions #93

Open JoelProminic opened 2 years ago

JoelProminic commented 2 years ago

We noticed that the README does not have any build instructions for this application. @Aszusz needed these instructions for testing some Moonshine Website changes.

rat-moonshine commented 2 years ago

A short build-instruction being added. @Aszusz let me know if it is adequate for your needs.

Aszusz commented 2 years ago

@rat-moonshine I tried on both Win and macOS and both failed for me. I'm focusing on macOS right now, it seems to be the easier one.

  1. In ApplicationProperties.xml should the path go inside CDATA or instead of CDATA? This seems to be correct but I need to make sure first:

  2. The build fails for me with this error:

     [echo] bin-debug/MoonshineSDKInstaller.swf
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration file /Users/aszusz/Downloads/MoonshineSDKs/Flex_SDK/Flex_4.16.1_AIR_33.1/frameworks/air-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Error: null

BUILD FAILED /Volumes/Data/home/repos/for-prominic/Moonshine-SDK-Installer/MoonshineSDKInstaller/build/build.xml:211: The following error occurred while executing this line: /Volumes/Data/home/repos/for-prominic/Moonshine-SDK-Installer/MoonshineSDKInstaller/build/build.xml:636: mxmlc task failed.

Total time: 14 seconds

It seems to get the path right. I checked and /frameworks/air-config.xml exists and seems to be alright.
rat-moonshine commented 2 years ago


  1. Yes, any value should go inside <![CDATA[...]>
  2. Can you please share full log details? You can send it in an email

I assume you've checkout the complete Moonshine-SDK-Installer repository before you start a build.

JoelProminic commented 2 years ago

@Aszusz, did you check the full path (/Users/aszusz/Downloads/MoonshineSDKs/Flex_SDK/Flex_4.16.1_AIR_33.1/frameworks/air-config.xml) or just check for frameworks/air-config.xml in the SDK? My initial instinct is that there is some typo in the full path. I confirmed that ~/Downloads/MoonshineSDKs/Flex_SDK/Flex_4.16.1_AIR_33.1/frameworks/air-config.xml is the MSDKI standard, though.