MoonshineSG / OctoPrint-MultiColors

Inject GCODE at specified layers to allow multi color printing via filament change
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ERROR: Injecting GCODE failed. Replaced 0 out of 1 needed. #20

Closed TehEmoGurl closed 6 years ago

TehEmoGurl commented 6 years ago

Not sure what i'm doing wrong

Layers: "254" (Also tried "254,")

Duplicate File: Enabled

All options under "Advanced" have been left as default as i have no idea what im doing.

whenever i click "Process" it give me the error: "Injecting GCODE failed. Replaced 0 out of 1 needed."

I also tried adding 2 layers seperated by a comma or a space n still wouldn't work.

Slicer used to generate the original gCode file is Cura (Not at the computer right now but it's whatever version the latest is as i always keep it up to date and the gCode file was generated about an hour ago when i first started trying to get this plugin working to try).

Printer is Anet A6 baught mid last year. The firmware is the original default firmware it came with (I think it's marlin but i don't actually know as i've never checked). All settings on the printer itself have been left at factory defaults.

Thanks in advance for any help provided


op multicolor plugin error

icemanfred commented 6 years ago

I have this same problem with robo r1+

MoonshineSG commented 6 years ago

Depending on the slicer you use, you need to change the regular expression.

TehEmoGurl commented 6 years ago

I tried this also but still got the same error. Not sure of the syntax. I'm using Cura and the gcode shows the layer expression as ;layer:

In the end I edited my gCode for that particular print manually and did manage to get a multicolour print but would be great if I could get this plugin working to automate the process :)

MoonshineSG commented 6 years ago

Post a sample of your gcode and i’ll try to give you a working regex

TehEmoGurl commented 6 years ago

Thank you very much. Will send the code soon as I'm home :)

majda107 commented 6 years ago

It doesn't work for me too :(

TehEmoGurl commented 6 years ago

So here is the settings i tried:

And here is a sample gCode from my Cura (Version 3.2.1):

;Filament used: 4.54273m
;Layer height: 0.15
;Generated with Cura_SteamEngine 3.2.1
M190 S50
M104 S200
M109 S200
M82 ;absolute extrusion mode
G28 ;Home
G1 Z15.0 F6000 ;Move the platform down 15mm
;Prime the extruder
G92 E0
G1 F200 E3
G92 E0
G0 F3600 X94.259 Y59.78 Z0.24
G1 F1800 X94.601 Y59.26 E0.04968
G1 F1800 X124.8 Y58.341 E190.83604
G0 F3600 X126.4 Y60.758
G1 F1800 X126.4 Y82.455 E192.56799
G0 F3600 X126.4 Y134.918
G1 F1800 X126.4 Y156.921 E194.32436
G0 F3600 X92.8 Y154.507
G1 F1800 X92.8 Y137.442 E195.68656
G0 F3600 X124.671 Y58.194
M140 S50
G0 X124.671 Y58.194 Z0.464
G1 F1800 X124.539 Y58.058 E195.70068
G1 X124.281 Y57.813 E195.72719
G1 X124.734 Y58.266 E195.77492
G0 F3600 X124.281 Y57.813
G1 F1800 X124.051 Y57.594 E195.79858
G1 X123.909 Y57.47 E195.81263
G1 X123.413 Y57.076 E195.85982
876 Y76.723 E1460.21937
G1 X103.684 Y77.096 E1460.23461
G0 F3600 X103.618 Y77.03
G0 X104.677 Y77.941
G0 X115.463 Y77.941
G0 X115.9 Y77.665
G0 X115.97 Y77.725

Thanks for the help


MoonshineSG commented 6 years ago

try regex ;LAYER:{layer}

majda107 commented 6 years ago

It doesn't work :( I am using newest Cura if it helps!

TehEmoGurl commented 6 years ago

Thanks Moon, will test it on mine after my current print finishes (Estimated 10 hours) n let you know if it works for me or not :)

MoonshineSG commented 6 years ago

@majda107 : your code might be different. paste a sample (only the part where the layer changes Example:

G0 F3600 X124.671 Y58.194 
M140 S50 
G0 X124.671 Y58.194 Z0.464 
G1 F1800 X124.539 Y58.058 E195.70068 
TehEmoGurl commented 6 years ago

Thank you very much @MoonshineSG ! Just tried the regex you gave me and it successfully injected ^.^

@majda107 The same regex should work for you assuming that layer number iterations in Curas gCode generator is enabled by default (I assume it is as i have looked everywhere in the preferences section and cannot find a way to disable it).

If you want to be sure of this just open up any gCode file sliced in Cura with a text editor (I highly recommend NotePad++ if you don't already have it).

If using Notepad++ go to Search at the top then Find (Or press Ctrl+F). You can do this in windows NotePad and most other basic text editors too.

In the search field type


and click Find / Find Next.

Assuming you were successful in finding a layer iteration the settings in the screenshot below should fix your injection issues.

NOTE: Regex IS case SeNsItIvE!

multicolorsettingsezample 00

NOTE: The LAYERS field should have ONLY the numbers inside the "quotes" with either spaces or commas without "quotes" around them.

WARNING: The Add GCODE in the example should NOT be used. I don't believe i have made a working code to achieve successful realignment of layers after changing filament here and the nozzle would likely smash into the model.

@MoonshineSG Am i correct in that thought? And if so, how would one go about fixing such an issue?

Would this be a suitable solution to force the nozzle to always raise above the model and then come down on top to the correct location as it continues from where it left off?

M117 Change filament
G0 Z200

Note: I'm using the Anet A6 which has a max Z height of 250mm and a gantry of approx 55mm.

Thanks again, hugely appreciate the help. Can't wait to do some awesome multi coloured prints! ^.^


majda107 commented 6 years ago

Here is my part of GCode where is layer change!

snimek obrazovky 2018-05-08 v 14 13 32
TehEmoGurl commented 6 years ago

@majda107 Could you show me a screenshot of you multi color plugin settings?

majda107 commented 6 years ago

@TehEmoGurl I'd like to, but I am printing RN and my raspberry isn't connected, my printer will finish after few minutes, I'll upload it then!

TehEmoGurl commented 6 years ago

@majda107 no problem, will see if i can help ya once u can send it. N if i can't i'm sure Moon will :)

MoonshineSG commented 6 years ago

@TehEmoGurl : NOOOOO!!!! G28 is not to be used in the middle of your print - no printer (affordable) would be able to do a homing at 100% accuracy and without hiting you already half prited model!!!!!

All you need is to Pause the print and preferable move the head away from the model so that the hot end soend cause a "bulge". M0 usually pauses and moves the head to X0/Y0 (at least on Marlin)

If you're not sure, just take any model, slice it, add a "change color" at an early layer (2 woul dbe a good choice) and print it. Basically test that your printer does on M0 . (if adventurous, read the firmware source code! )

@majda107: based on your sample the ;LAYER:{layer} should work ust fine... What is the error ? Maybe you can have a look at the logs and see if there's any error ?

TehEmoGurl commented 6 years ago

@MoonshineSG Hmmmmm, interesting. I actually did it this way when i originally couldn't get our plugin working. i manually edited the gCode and i did indeed accidentally smash my X Carriage into the part. i did an emergency stop, G28 to re-home again, then moved the Z up to 100mm and then told it to continue and it aligned everything just fine.

Here's a photo of the print:

multiboat 00

The reason i prefer to home all axis before changing the filament and then again after then raise the Z above the location it needs to go to is i find it very easy to accidentally knock the X axis out of alignment or accidentally push down too hard trying to get the filament into the top of the extruder as it's very difficult to align it through the gears. If i force it to home before and after then anything i screwed up during the filament change is fixed.

Also note that the other day i tried the built in "Change Filament" option in the "Tune" section of the built in controls. The printer auto-homed all axis, auto-ejected the filament, then i reloaded the filament and told it to continue and i was surprised to find that it was completely out of alignment. I quickly paused it, re-homed manually then told it to continue and it was still out of alignment. the only way i could get it even close was to disable the steppers and try to manually align the X and Y.

As you can probably guess i failed to do this, however i was only off by about 0.5mm, where-as the auto change filament alignment was off by about 3-4mm.

Human 1 - 0 Machine

If i shouldn't use this method, can u recommend a good way to have it automatically re-align everything somehow before it continues printing in case i knock something out of alignment when changing the filament?

If not don't worry about it. I'm going to do some more experimenting with the G28 either way and see how many times out of 10 i can get it to auto-align correctly since I've only ever done it the 1 time and might have just got really damn lucky xD

MoonshineSG commented 6 years ago

if using marlin, there's a way to NOT power down the stepper motors when the printer pauses (I'm not sure if this can be achieved by M commands or a firmware build is required. See DEFAULT_STEPPER_DEACTIVE_TIME, DISABLE_X, etc but those should be False by default ). In that way, changing the fillament would not knock the head out of the position (shoudl be 0x0y) and will be able to safely and accuratly return to the paused position.

TehEmoGurl commented 6 years ago

@MoonshineSG Thanks for the info, will look into that! :)

MoonshineSG commented 6 years ago

"If i shouldn't use this method, can u recommend a good way to have it automatically re-align everything somehow before it continues printing in case i knock something out of alignment when changing the filament?"

nope! we've all been there - for whatever reason - and using "visuals" does not produce pretty results :D

MoonshineSG commented 6 years ago

@TehEmoGurl , sorry should be "DISABLEINACTIVE"... and it's in Configuration_adv.h. Check out M18 and M84

// Default stepper release if idle. Set to 0 to deactivate.
// Steppers will shut down DEFAULT_STEPPER_DEACTIVE_TIME seconds after the last move when DISABLE_INACTIVE_? is true.
// Time can be set by M18 and M84.
#define DISABLE_INACTIVE_Z true  // set to false if the nozzle will fall down on your printed part when print has finished.
chadsittig commented 6 years ago

I'm getting the same error. The gcode was generated with Slic3r:

G1 X87.989 Y133.455 E0.03487 M204 S1000 ;BEFORE_LAYER_CHANGE G92 E0.0 ;3.2

G1 F8640 G1 X87.262 Y132.729 E-0.23727 G1 X86.677 Y132.523 E-0.14315 G1 X86.677 Y132.721 E-0.04570 G1 X87.700 Y133.743 E-0.33388 G1 E-0.04000 F2100.00000 G1 Z3.600 F10800.000 ;AFTER_LAYER_CHANGE ;3.2 G1 X88.137 Y132.375

I've tried the following for regular expression: ;BEFORE_LAYER_CHANGE ;AFTER_LAYER_CHANGE ;BEFORE_LAYER_CHANGE\n;[layer_z] ...and various other combinations.

The error is either: "Injecting GCODE failed ['ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc4 in position 155565: ordinal not in range(128)]" or "Injecting GCODE failed. Replaced 0 out of 1 needed"

MoonshineSG commented 6 years ago

you might have a "funny" char at position 155565. Try to look for it and see what it is ? Any comments in the GCODE that are no english ?

chadsittig commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the quick reply.

Character in position 155565 is a "0".

I found the problem:

; filament_notes = "List of manufacturers tested with standart PET print settings for MK2:\n\nE3D Edge\nFillamentum CPE GH100\nPlasty MLADEČ PETG"<

I'm able to inject the GCODE using ";BEFORE_LAYER_CHANGE", however the filament supplier "MLADEC" is generated from slic3r.

I believe this is the same issue as posted here:

MoonshineSG commented 6 years ago

yes... I'm trying to fix it to survive foreign charcters :D

MoonshineSG commented 6 years ago

a new relaease with a fix that shoudl be able to handle non latin characters is now available

Jelenbl commented 3 years ago

Try this as your regex statement.
