Moonzel / Godot-PerfBullets

This plugin uses the MultiMeshInstance2D to render thousands of bullets easily while running the logic in C++ to run at maximum performance.
MIT License
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im not completely sure why but it seems like changing things about spawners inside of the code causes the game to crash #13

Open pYMxlobo opened 4 months ago

pYMxlobo commented 4 months ago

but im also not completely sure about that either since it might just be spawning spawner nodes from a sub-scene might be the reason but i have tested with it inside and outside a subscene and it still crashes before godot can print any errors or anything like that. below is an unlisted video on my channel of this problem occuring.


pYMxlobo commented 3 months ago

update: attaching a node of the same type as the planned target as a temporary starting target seems to do the trick in fixing it but it crashes even when there are 0 homing or general target node things if its not assigned so im not closing the issue