Moonzel / Godot-PerfBullets

This plugin uses the MultiMeshInstance2D to render thousands of bullets easily while running the logic in C++ to run at maximum performance.
MIT License
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Spawn bullets from moving node #4

Closed Karlmit closed 11 months ago

Karlmit commented 11 months ago

I need to be able to spawn bullets from enemies that are able to move. Is it possible to spawn bullets from a node, without having all spawned bullets also be transformed with the parent?

Maybe a solution could be a new property for the Spawner, for a location where the next bullet will be spawned?

Moonzel commented 11 months ago

Thanks for bringing this to my attention. This was the intended behavior of the moveWithParent property when set to false, but there are clearly bugs. I will fix them ASAP!

Karlmit commented 11 months ago

Alright cool! Sharing my test project just in case you would need it.

The plugin otherwise looks awesome! Seems very well optimized checking the example scenes!

Moonzel commented 11 months ago

I have mostly solved the problem now! In a bit, I will update documentation and release the fix. Thanks for all of your help!

Moonzel commented 11 months ago

The latest Update 1.1.1 solved this issue! Please make sure moveWithParent is set to false, and this should work as intended. I am closing this issue, and thanks for your help!