Mooses2k / SecretHistories

First-person stealth/combat roguelite
14 stars 12 forks source link

Unarmed combat - Wing Tsun, etc #594

Open Mooses2k opened 8 months ago

Mooses2k commented 8 months ago


With both hands empty:

Melee system-like look towards attack to 'receive' (deflect or wedge away) - extend into punch, 'tan sao', 'pak sao', 'bong sao', 'gan sao', 'gum sao'. Equally for legs - 'chi gerk', 'bong gerk', 'huen gerk'.

LMB/LAlt (tap) - main-hand/off-hand straight punch LMB/LAlt (hold) - main-hand/off-hand short hook or uppercut or elbows, context-dependent (uppercut if pak-saoing, elbows if very close) LMB & LAlt (tap simultaneously) - high-low two handed punch at the same time

RMB (tap) - ? RMB (hold) - 'lap sao' (grab and shockingly pull or perhaps hyperextend elbow)

LShift - kick to knee, crotch, or abdomen (automatically depending on range)

Not pressing W means normal forward pressure while sitting back in advance stance; advancing with W means stepping through their space and probably knocking them over if connecting with punches.

Footwork: advance step, outfall, V-step, circle step, reverse circle-step - all context-dependent handled by animation system (not deliberately chosen by player)


ground fighting on back, shift kicks as usual

If we had lean keys, this would help - Q and E would be roll prone/supine?