This option type would randomly generate a color between #000000 and #FFFFFF at a specified increment (so as to not get two very similar colors like (#4D3C45 and #4D3C47 for example)
possible questions:
What color is your favorite?
What color do you like least?
Which color is most satisfying?
Which color is the ugliest?
If you had to dye your hair which color would you dye it?
Which one of these would make the best color for sparkles?
If you could paint your room any of these colors, which would it be?
This option type would randomly generate a color between #000000 and #FFFFFF at a specified increment (so as to not get two very similar colors like (#4D3C45 and #4D3C47 for example)
possible questions:
What color is your favorite? What color do you like least? Which color is most satisfying? Which color is the ugliest? If you had to dye your hair which color would you dye it? Which one of these would make the best color for sparkles? If you could paint your room any of these colors, which would it be?