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ETH count mismatch in metamask (Ganache devchain), Moralis Ganache setup issue #73

Closed biplabro closed 3 years ago

biplabro commented 3 years ago


I have been following the “3-minutes dapp” tutorial & stuck at the Ganache sections. 2 issues

a) the amount of of ETH in Ganache program does not match with the ETH available in the Metamask account (Local ganache dev chain)

b) Cannot connect Ganache to Moralis server. The Local Dev chain “Ganache” option is missing.

Created a brief video explaining the issue. Any help in this regard would be very helpful.

Thanks & Cheers, Roy

biplabro commented 3 years ago

Issue 1: Resolved. Server side issue pending

gerardo15 commented 3 years ago


We have deleted the stuck server, please create a new.

biplabro commented 3 years ago

Thanks @gerardo15

biplabro commented 3 years ago

Please share a little more detail about why it happened & how to avoid such scenarios in the future?