Morantron / tmux-fingers

copy pasting in terminal with vimium/vimperator like hints.
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Issue with `\b` in a `@fingers-pattern-0` pattern #96

Closed ilyagr closed 1 year ago

ilyagr commented 1 year ago

I'd like to capture hashes from the output of a VCS I use. So, I put the following in my tmux.conf:

set -g @fingers-pattern-0 '\b([k-z]{5,}|[K-Z]{5,}|[0-9a-f]{5,})\b'
run-shell ~/.config/tmux/plugins/tmux-fingers/tmux-fingers.tmux

However, it doesn't work as I expect. Let's say I have the following text in my terminal (sorry, the example is a bit messy, this was after some grep-ing):

   ╷ │ │ │ │   │  Add mouse support for selecting and opening files (#963)
   ╷ │ │ ◉ │   │  SLMXST ilyagr@ 2022-10-16 12:21 -07 e5e1f1
   ◉ │ │   │   │  LRKVPX ilyagr@ 2022-10-16 18:54 +03 624992
   ◉ │ │       │  TRTVMR gokcehankara@ 2022-10-15 21:34 +03 654b87
   ◉   │       │  UMKQLL oue.paul18@ 2022-10-01 16:39 +03 4968b1
   ◉   │  KXXOXO oue.paul18@ 2022-09-08 16:10 +03 17e1a8

If I turn on fingers-mode, the strings e5e1f1 and SLMXST are not highlighted. Instead, '2022' is:


Meanwhile, grep works correctly (the fact that 'support' is highlighted is undesired, but it correctly matches the regex; the first line of the output is from my shell prompt): image

After a bit of thought, ~I think a likely explanation is that the unicode symbols mess up the counts somewhere inside (update: no, it's something config-related. Just the string SLMXST ilyagr@ 2022-10-16 12:21 -07 e5e1f1 behaves the same). In any case, help is appreciated.

I am using the latest version of tmux-fingers (commit 2e08de2) on Debian stable (bookworm) Linux.

ilyagr commented 1 year ago

Here's another piece of debug info. I'm not sure whether the '\b' at the end needs to be '\b' or not.

🐟 tmux showenv -g FINGERS_PATTERNS

This is kind of hard to read, but the end of the line is


I'm not sure why it's repeated twice.

ilyagr commented 1 year ago

I've figured out the problem. Turns out, tmux-fingers uses gawk regular expressions as opposed to grep -E regular expressions. While both are called "Extended Regular Expressions", they are different. In gawk, \b means backspace and \< & \> are word boundaries. In grep -E, \b is a word boundary while \< and > also work.

TIL. I'll file a PR for the documentation bug part of it.

TLDR: the following works

set -g @fingers-pattern-0 '\<([k-z]{5,}|[K-Z]{5,}|[0-9a-f]{5,})\>'