With Searchonymous 1.0 active, I cannot add a Google contact to a Google+ circle (when editing the contact, there is a hover button 'add and invite'). When hovering over it, I get a message telling me that my session has expired and I need to login again.
I am logged into G+, this problem goes away when disabling Searchonymous (which is more a workaround than a fix).
Google contacts URL is www.google.com/contacts/u/0/?hl=nl&tab=mC#contact/
With Searchonymous 1.0 active, I cannot add a Google contact to a Google+ circle (when editing the contact, there is a hover button 'add and invite'). When hovering over it, I get a message telling me that my session has expired and I need to login again.
I am logged into G+, this problem goes away when disabling Searchonymous (which is more a workaround than a fix).
Google contacts URL is www.google.com/contacts/u/0/?hl=nl&tab=mC#contact/
When hovering, a request is loaded from https://plus.google.com/u/0/_/socialgraph/circlepicker/menu?hl=nl&oo=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&eemail=&as=cm2-standalone.details&sts=1392109358534&gsrc=1p&tpbm=false&jsh=m%3B%2F%2Fscs%2Fabc-static%2F%2Fjs%2Fk%3Dgapi.gapi.en