Mordenkainen / Technomancy

Magic and Science, what can go wrong
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Quantum Jars don't accept prefab labels #155

Closed Alaberti closed 8 years ago

Alaberti commented 9 years ago

Long time no see!

Great stuff so far. I was playing with pre-fabricating essentia labels so that I could tack them on empty jars, however I noticed right away that while this works on void and warded jars fine, attempting to apply the label to an empty quantum jar won't work. Once essentia is in it, it will take a pre-labeled label or a blank one just fine. Hope this is an easy fix, but if it isn't...thanks in advance yeah? big smile

theflogat commented 9 years ago

Nothing hard to fix. Took a weeklong break because of school so will only be fixed next week.

Alaberti commented 9 years ago

Hey, you do you, I get that lol