Mordenkainen / Technomancy

Magic and Science, what can go wrong
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Configuration settings #187

Open kotasd opened 8 years ago

kotasd commented 8 years ago

Need configuration settings for dynamo fuel consumption (mana/rf, essentia/rf, etc). Thermal expansion augmentation integration would be awesome as well.

Mordenkainen commented 8 years ago

I may look at this in the future, but it may not be possible, particularly for the Essentia Dynamo as all output is based on the essential type.

kotasd commented 8 years ago

Couldnt essentia have a var added to serve as a multiplier? ie RF = (computed rf from essentia) * x. If you wanted say 1/10th the rf from essentia then x = .1 and if you wanted 10x then x = 10.

The same method could be applied to all magic sources of energy, and be used inversely when converting energy to magic... But each magic source should be independently adjustable. That is blood ration should be independent of mana.

Production rate variables could be applied as well meaning since we would now be able to decide how much resource to consume per rf. Another variable that allows the user to factor production speed (rf/t) would allow faster or slower rf output. This would seem to mesh well with TE augmentation.

Mordenkainen commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the ideas. Next time I work on new functionalty I will keep them in mind.