More-Than-Solitaire / Tabs-Lite

An ad-free open source guitar tablature application using an existing popular tabs database. Built for speed and simplicity.
Apache License 2.0
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Feature Request: Add the ability to choose between English Chords and Italian Chords. #107

Open stepersy opened 2 months ago

stepersy commented 2 months ago

It would be great if it would be possible to choose between chords in English Notation (A, B, C, D) or Italian/Latin Notation (Do, Re, Mi, Fa). It would be very useful for those who are not used to English Notation. Thanks!

cullub commented 2 months ago

Hi there, this is a super interesting idea! I've never heard of playing guitar with Italian style notes, but that might be something I'd consider adding. I have a few practical questions though:

stepersy commented 2 months ago

Hi, thanks for your prompt reply!

⚠️ I just want to clarify one thing ⚠️ Latin notation is generally used for piano chords, not guitar chords. You'll understand why when you read about the sus chord below.

Anyway... You can transliterate the chords this way:

A -> La B -> Si C -> Do D -> Re E -> Mi F -> Fa G -> Sol

For # and b it's the same as in English notation. For example:

A# -> La# Eb -> Mib

Finally, for chords like Am and Am7, here are the rules

Amaj (usually A) -> La or La+. Amin (commonly Am) -> La- A7 (A major 7) -> La7 or La+7 Am7 (A minor 7) -> La-7

⚠️ The sus chord is untranslatable because roman notation (also called latin notation) is used exclusively for piano chords, which usually don't have suspended notes.

In the case of a sus chord, you can "translate" it into a simple major chord for piano chords. For example:

Asus -> La Asus7 -> La7

For guitars, you can keep the sus instead. Like this:

Asus -> Lasus Asus7 -> Lasus7

But none of the guitarists use Latin notation.

So, as you may have noticed, cause of the sus problem, adding Latin notation would only be useful for piano, not guitar.

Idk if you want to add it anyway, but it would be very useful for people like me who play piano and find your app incredibly helpful!

Hope this helps, thanks in advance for your patience and dedication. If you have any other requests just ping me!

cullub commented 1 month ago

Hi thanks, that clarifies things. I think this would be a separate feature than #66 , probably in the app preference menu. I'll consider adding this next set of updates that I do (but it may be a while since this is a side project for me)

stepersy commented 1 month ago

Hi! Thank you for considering adding this feature in the next updates of the app. I hope to see it as soon as possible but I'm in no hurry. In fact, it'll force me to learn English notation 😉. Have a nice day! Love from 🇮🇹

cullub commented 1 month ago

Hey by the way, if you'd be willing to help with translations I'm looking to translate the user interface into different languages. Take a look at #113 if you're interested!

stepersy commented 1 month ago

Sure! I'll translate the files as soon as possible 😉. Are the files openable on Android Studio? For me it's easier to translate the strings, cause of the Translation Editor. Instead, what about opening a crowdin page?

cullub commented 1 month ago

Good suggestion, hadn't heard of that service before. Here's the translator invite link:

stepersy commented 1 month ago

Hey! I just completed the Italian Translation of the app! You can check it out on Crowdin! Hope everything is fine... I'll wait for the next update to check that everything is correct. If you have any suggestion/correction/question just ping me ;) Have a nice day!