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Idea: Scientific Exploration #112

Open tzerrell opened 8 years ago

tzerrell commented 8 years ago

Idea by squid Erudite explorers demand scientific access to a specific object on your homeworld with unique properties. Materialists won't care, but the object is sacred to spiritualists and allowing access would upset your spiritualist pops.

renegade404 commented 7 years ago

This is a proposed event. No particular triggers are necessary, perhaps friendly relations or shared borders with a technocracy. Could just be a random event.

Upon event: Erudite Explorers A hail from just outside [home system]s outermost planet reveals the presence of a scientific expedition. The mixed-species crew explains that they are peaceful explorers on a hunt for ancient alien artifacts, and their search has led them to [home planet]. They claim that there is a complex rock formation on the surface of the planet that may be more than it seems. This "Stonehenge" as they call it, may be a long dormant energy generator of enormous potential. They claim to have significant financial backing to purchase the artifact, and also offer to aid in the research efforts of [empire name] if they are permitted to remove it. There has, however, been resistance from certain factions on [home planet] who would rather not see a famous landmark abducted by aliens.

Options: Fascinating! Of course we will assist the pursuit of knowledge! (Not available to spiritualist empires)

(+500 energy, +10% research speed for 120 months. -10% happiness to spiritualist pops for 60 Months)

We should harness this energy for ourselves! (Only available to technocratic governments)

(Adds special project "Reactivate ancient power source", costs physics research, upon completion adds Beltharian stone resource to random energy tile on home planet. +5% research speed 120 months.)

No alien will ever be permitted to defile our holy sites! (Available to any empire, but the only option available to spiritualist empires)

(+50 influence. Activates event "Wave of Obscurantism")

Wave of Obscurantism Triggered a few months after choosing to turn away the scientists in the "Erudite explorers event"

Our holy prophets, in their divine righteousness, have chosen to protect our most sacred of holy sites from the prying tentacles of blasphemous alien scientists. The blessed people of [empire name] rejoice, yet some deviant elements question the suppression of science, and openly debate the validity of certain aspects of the holy texts! All true believers rally behind [empire leader]'s decision, but the visiting scientific expedition continues to stir dissent. They must be dealt with!

Options: The word of the prophet is law! (The only option available to fanatic spiritualists)

(+10% happiness to spiritualist pops and -5% happiness to materialist pops for 60 months. -5% research speed for 120 months. +100 influence.)

Perhaps a compromise can be reached? Allow remote study of the holy site.

(adds +5 physics research to random tile on homeworld. +200 energy)

These Blasphemers can no longer be allowed to spread their heresy! Eliminate them!

(+15% happiness for spiritualist pops for 120 months. +150 influence. Spawns a small but technologically advanced hostile fleet in players home system.)