MoreEventsMod / More_Events_Mod_Beta

Testing Branch for the Next More Events Mod version
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Power Hungy Governor/Coup #156

Open Mariawr opened 8 years ago

Mariawr commented 8 years ago

From the steam forums, user "One Fine Ass Raptor." : ""Ambitious Leaders Cease Power is an event that would be triggered when the player has 3 governors with 5 stars. One of these leaders will try to seize power by organizing a coup in which 50% of the sector he is in charge of attack the loyalists. If the rebel leader holds off the player's attempt to defeat him for 24 months the sector becomes an independent state. "

Notes: We should probably wait untill we see what the Heinlein patch implements before working on it.

renegade404 commented 7 years ago

"Ambitious Leader attempts coup"

This is a proposed Event

This event would occur when an empire has 3 or more five-star leaders of the same type. The effects and flavour text of this event would change depending on the ruling government type.

Militaristic Government

Occurs when a militaristic government type has 3 or more 5 star generals or admirals (collectively)

(General name), a highly ranked, influential (General/admiral) within the nation has grown impatient with the current organisational structure of the state military apparatus, and has amassed enough internal support to attempt a coup if his demands are not met. (he/she) has had several wings of the fleet flock to their banner, and several planetary garrisons have declared their allegiance to this insurrectionist.The internal threat can no longer be ignored. It would set a dangerous precedent to give in to (his/her) demands, but the cost of an armed insurrection could be higher.

Options: Implement his reforms

(+10% ship/station/army maintenance for 10 years, change head of state to rebellious general)

Bribe the (general/admiral).

(large cost in energy credits, OR -10% energy production for 10 years)

Refuse to bow to internal pressure.

(Rebellion/ widespread unrest)

Zebogo commented 7 years ago

"A New Prophet"

This is a proposed event, which would occur when an empire has five sectors with governors.

Religious Government

Occurs when a religious government type has five or more sectors with governors assigned.

Pilgrims have begun to flock to [Sector Name], where [Governor Name] has announced an addition to the holy books. He claims to have been visited in his dreams by the voice of the divine, which has gifted him with new revelations. Tales resound of his miraculous cures and holy acts, but he claims the divine has other plans for him - that he is meant to use his sacred wisdom to lead empires.

Options: Praise the divine for its holy wisdom! (The prophet becomes the new head of state)

The holy books can be... amended. (-10% happiness for 10 years across all spiritualist pops)

[Governor Name] will pay for this heresy! (the sector rebels with [Governor Name] as leader)

renegade404 commented 7 years ago

"Populist politician threatens democratic process"

This is a proposed event, which would have a chance to occur when an empire has a Sector governor with five or more stars, and a high amount of unrest. If possible from a coding standpoint, could also be triggered during democratic elections, if a highly ranked Governor of a sector with a lot of unrest gets a lot of support.

The effects of these events are just suggestions from me, and what I think would make sense from a story perspective, but its up to the testing and balance guys to judge weather the effects on gameplay are too harsh

Democratic Government

Times are hard in [sector name], and its governor [governor name] has begun to tap into the dissatisfaction felt by many. He has galvanised the population with his cult of personality, and cemented his support with wild promises and unfounded claims. His aggressive public persona and disregard for conventional politics threatens to upend our democratic system, but his support continues to grow despite the warnings of experts. The upcoming elections have everyone on edge, uncertainty is negatively effecting economic investment, and political discussion is becoming crass and unproductive. Should we act? Or let democracy run its course?

Vox Populi!

([sector governor] becomes new head of state, lose 50 influence, add modifier "Populist in power" (large diplomatic opinion penalty with other empires, -15% happiness, +5% mineral/energy production) Leads to further negative events as long as leader is in power)

Attempt to reduce his influence.

(governor loses two stars, loses popularity in election, empire gains modifier "Democratic process violated!(-25% happiness for all pops with voting rights, -20% influence gain for 5 years)

This fool cannot be allowed into power!

(Governor's sector rebels, -100 influence, -10% happiness for 5 years)

Zebogo commented 7 years ago

"A Pretender Claims the Throne"

This is a proposed event, which would occur when an empire has two or more governors with five stars, and a ruler who has ruled for less than ten years.


Occurs when an autocratic monarchy has two or more planetary governors with five stars, and a ruler who has ruled for less than ten years.

The governor of [Planet Name] has come forward with documents that prove he is the true heir to [Empire Name], and that [Current Ruler] is a mere pretender to the throne! They show a clandestine adoption that took place two generations ago in the family tree of [Ruler Name], and claim that as his great-grandmother was the eldest daughter of the [Ruler Title], under the ancient succession law of [Empire Capital Name], he is the rightful heir.

Options: Even [Ruler Title]s are not above the law. (The pretender becomes the new head of state)

Perhaps a position on the council will placate him. (The pretender becomes a sector governor, empire takes a hit to its influence)

His chancellor must have fabricated those claims. I am the [Ruler Title]! (the sector rebels with [Governor Name] as leader)

Tuttu commented 7 years ago

Writers, don't forget to add the events picture you'd like to see for each window. :)