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Expanding on Space Animals #168

Open htrp opened 8 years ago

htrp commented 8 years ago

Copied over from reddit

Link to previous thread I appreciate your input from my previous thread, and these comments by /u/CaptainChewbacca and /u/Mujona_Akage All of these are great ideas. I like xenophiles being able to breed and use tiyanki and amoebas. I feel like the Space cows should have breeding grounds in Nebulas. I dunno why but it seems fitting seeing as they feed off of gas giants. has given me ideas for an event chain for the peaceful space cows! Right now they are just passive being that feed on gas giants and don't really do much, however their peaceful nature and their space nature of traveling in packs and being born in space can further incorporate the center of the galaxy. Since the center of the galaxy is a hot soup of gas, wouldn't it be a good place for the tiyanki to breed and spawn?

When you first encounter the tiyanki, you see that they can move incredible distances across the galaxy, so wouldn't your empire want to know more? My proposal is having the research project:

Put a beacon on the tiyanki to observe them. This will both grant limited intel on systems they visit and in let's say, 10 years, you get an event: One of the tagged tiyanki has traveled into the core. After a research project you get this event: Tiyanki breeding grounds discovered!

The tiyanki are gas grazers who appear to have originated from the cores abundant gas and have for billions of years fed and bred in the core. It appears only 100 million years ago they started venturing out towards the rest of the galaxy in search for either more food or more breeding grounds. The core is full of radiation, but we might be able to send an expedition towards their original breeding grounds with some ship adjustments [same technology as I suggested to access the original void cloud in previous thread] will allow us access into their home.

Choice 1: Yes, adapt our ships.

Choice 2: The core is inaccessible for a reason.

Sending an expedition there, you will arrive in a system full of gas in a lush light with peaceful music playing. There you will find two new types of tiyanki: 1. Spawn Tiyanki, little cute tiyanki that are not old enough to venture out. and 2. Several grand tiyanki. Since they are peaceful, you will able to do a research project without immediate consequence. After the research project, and event pops up:

The tiyanki originated here billions of years ago and have slowly grown in numbers. It appears that every couple of million years, tiyanki have a mating season in which a new generation of tiyanki are born and grow in the grounds until they are ready to journey outwards. While there is ample gas available for them to feed on for billions of more years near the core, this is a strange pocket of gas which is habitable for the tiyanki in the core, as the rest of the core is either to hot or too irradiated, or both. After about a billion years, aged tiyanki become grand tiyanki, and guard the breeding grounds against their natural predator: the space amoeba and incursions by void clouds and crystals. They only act in self defense however, and are not a threat unless provoked. We can however, modify them if we so wish.

Choice 1: Leave them be

Choice 2: [Modify them]

Then: Tiyanki Uplifted!

Scientist {name} reports that we have successfully uplifted these being, they are attempting to communicate with us now.

"Greeting {species name}, we have wandered the galaxy for many ages, but now, thanks to you we can now do it in a more advanced manner, we are ready to aide you and share secrets as gratitude"

[Tiyanki now become an empire in the category of "Other" who only have their borders in the core, empire can close borders if they wish except for a higher opinion penalty than usual (as they feed on gas). They will be able to join your alliance and federation, or should they be vassals? Any undiscovered system will be mapped. Should they have ethos? and if so what should they be. Should they have a leader and/or government type?]

Choice 3 (For Spiritualists):

These are our spirits! We will worship them! [What modifiers should this have? I'm thinking that you should have to send a fleet in order to guard them and will travel with them to protect them when they graze for gas. This being of course automatic, and will be a sort of pilgrimage]

Choice 4 (For Spiritualists):

These are not our spirits! [Has a chance of starting civil war of those who think they are the spirits]

Choice 5(For Collectivists)

This is proof of collective success! They have survived for billions and so shall we! [Grants bonus "Collectivism Proven", granting weapon damage bonus]

tzerrell commented 8 years ago

Note from the reddit thread that Phlegmsky is the author, and that htrp was given permission to use this in the More Events Mod