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New Anomaly: "Left for dead" #222

Open renegade404 opened 7 years ago

renegade404 commented 7 years ago

This is a proposed anomaly. It can spawn on any habitable planet.

Upon Discovery: Among the ashes GFX_evtoutpost [Planet name] is littered with the debris of fallen ships, scars from a gargantuan space battle long past.[Scientist name] reports that preliminary scans of the wreckage have turned up something peculiar. Set up around the remains of a corvette sized command bridge can be seen what appears to be a security perimeter, with searchlights and turrets, and [scientist name] reports a single life sign detected inside the bridge itself. Around the bridge are signs of habitation, including a small farm, and rudimentary solar power infrastructure. This warrants further investigation._

This would spawn a level 3 anomaly with a 15% risk of failure

Upon Failure: Life signs lost GFX_evt_ship_in_orbit As soon as [Scientist name] begins to probe the life signs inside the derelict ship, the base goes into shutdown mode. The turrets collapse into concealed positions beneath the ground, the spotlights go dark, and the single lifesign quickly disappears. It would seem that this alien does not want to be found.

Options: Perhaps for the best. Salvage the surrounding wreckage for anything usable.

(+50 physics, engineering research. +100 Minerals)

Upon Success: A Diplomatic Sortie GFX_evt_fleet_good All attempts to communicate with the alien life signature remotely are met with silence, so with government approval, [Scientist name] mounts a ground expedition to investigate the derelict ship. Tentatively, the team enters the makeshift security perimeter. As soon as the expedition crosses the boundary the turrets train their barrels on [scientist name], and spotlights bathe them in light. An alien voice booms out over the comm system.

"URGL'GR VAR NOM GARBLE'GAAR". The alien turrets begin to spin their barels as [scientist name] hastily tries to translate the alien language. "HAAG'OM RAG NAA!" The crew's translation implants get a hold on the language and begin to translate. "Identify yourselves! Are you soldiers of the Marrakesh legion, or agents of the Minervea Concord? You have ten seconds to respond!" The alien is clearly a holdout from a long forgotten war, a war he seems to believe is still being fought, and he is demanding a declaration of allegiance!

Options: We are agents of the Minervea Concord!

(trigger event "A failure of Diplomacy")

We are soldiers of the Marrakesh Legion!

(trigger event "A failure of Diplomacy")

Die Alien! (militaristic empires only)

(trigger event "A failure of Diplomacy")

We are [Species name]. We come in peace.

(trigger event "Peaceful contact")

We, uh, come in "peace" (Lie) (availible only to xenophobes/militarists) (triggers event "Deception!"

Event: Peaceful contact GFX_evt_psionics The security perimeter deactivates as the expeditionary team explains their peaceful mission.. Turrets spin down and spotlights lower as a distant figure descends from the command bridge to the surface.

"Ten thousand, six hundred, and forty two years I have defended my people, and protected our most sacred relic. Finally my relief comes. I do not recognize you, aliens, but your peaceful mission is exactly what my people fought for so long to accomplish. The galaxy of my age was in a constant state of war, there was not a single alien who did not suffer. But some of us longed for a more meaningful existence, so we dared to be peaceful, to expend out efforts on bettering ourselves instead of destroying our foes. The price we paid you see before you, as I am the sole survivor of my venerable people. If you continue on your mission to procure knowledge for the betterment of your people, then our legacy may not be forgotten. To you I entrust my civilizations greatest accomplishment, the near eradication of biological aging."

With this astonishing claim, the alien soldier seems to shimmer, as slowly his body disintegrates and he is blown away, bit by bit, with the wind. [Scientist name] investigates inside the ships ruined bridge, and returns with a strange glowing sphere.

Options: Unlock the mysteries of this artifact!

(add Venerable trait to primary species)

A new Holy Relic! (Only available to spiritualist empires)

(add permanent modifier +10% happiness)

Sell it!

(+1000 energy, +500 minerals, +200 society research)

Event: Failure of diplomacy GFX_evt_ground_combat Wrong answer. The turrets quickly unleash streams of white-hot plasma, incinerating the expeditionary team. There are no survivors. The base quickly goes into shutdown mode, with the turrets sliding beneath the ground, and the alien lifesign disappearing from all scans.

Options: Blast it from orbit and recover the debris.

(Scientist dies, +400 minerals)

Oh well. Investigate the wreckage remotely for any usable tech.

(Scientist dies, +100 Engineering, Physics research)

Event: Deception The turrets spin down and disappear under the surface, and the spotlights lower as an alien figure descends from the bridge of the ruined starship. The figure, speaking in an alien language, approaches the expedition, but slows as he takes note of the large amount of weaponry carried by the "scientists". The term "Mexican standoff" springs to mind, though none of the involved parties know what "mexico" is.

The alien figure starts to reach for a pocket in his jacket, unsure of what to do the expedition radios in to command to request further orders.


End this charade, attack now!

(75% chance of triggering "Pyrrhic Victory", 25% chance of triggering "Artifact stolen!")

Bide your time

(triggers event "Cold War")

Event: Cold war The translation implants of the expedition finally pick up on the alien language. He is prattling on about some ancient war and a relic of his people. Sounds lucrative!

Options: Enough of this, attack!

(75% chance of event "Artifact Stolen!", 25% chance of event 'Pyrrhic Victory")

Event: Pyrrhic Victory The expeditionary force opens fire on the lone alien. [scientist name] manages to land a hit on the aliens torso, but not before the alien manages to reactive the security perimeter. Turrets pop back up from their hiding places under the soil, and begin unleashing white-hot streams of plasma. [scientist name] goes down, but the rest of the force manages to disable the turrets and secure the perimeter.

[scientist name]s body is carried back to the ship, as the area is scavenged for useful materials. One of the soldiers returns from the derelict ship with a strange glowing object.

Options: Damn this whole expedition! Break down the object for parts!

(Scientist dies, +500 minerals, +500 Energy)

This object may be more than it appears. (Only available to materialists)

(scientist dies. add 200 in each research category. +500 energy.)

Event: Artifact stolen! With the element of surprise, the expeditionary force makes quick work of the renegade alien and the meager defenses. While searching the ship, one of the soldiers recovers a strange, glowing sphere.

Break it down for parts!

(+500 minerals, +500 Energy)

This object may be more than it appears. (Only available to materialists)

(add 200 in each research category. +500 energy.)

Tuttu commented 7 years ago

Sounds like a good anomaly. What should be the failure risk for the anomaly ? It need to be set on top of the anomaly level. :)

HoogerTarp commented 7 years ago

I can work on this anomaly because I have a lot of free time

Elimdur commented 7 years ago

The Answer "Die Alien!" might only fit for xenophobe empires. You might want to have a more neutral approach for the rest like : "We are neither."

Also it feels a bit strange, that this soldier just accepts your false claim without hesitation. "I do not recognize you, aliens, but to you I entrust the secret to everlasting life." Would you give something of this value to someone you do know nothing about after protecting it for thousands of years without a second thought?

Wouldn´t it be more fitting if the first two answers would result in some kind of fails and the honest answer has a high chance to result in a good ending? Wouldn´t be a problem to code with random list.

renegade404 commented 7 years ago

I can certainly flesh it out a bit more and tweak the paths. I like your idea, I'll add it in when I get a chance tomorrow.

Elimdur commented 7 years ago

I really like your changes.

Also I´d like to add some possibilities: In case you lie. there should be a small chance, you succeed in the following battle to get the relic. So this needs another text.

if you are xenophobe/militaristic you could say the same a peaceful civ would say but in this case marked as a lie. You could succeed with this or fail with the soldier realising your lie and battle happens like with the other lies. then also a small chance of aquiring the artefact.

and a 10% happiness modifier might be a bit too high. would go for 5% personally.

renegade404 commented 7 years ago

Good idea, adding it.

Also id like to say that all the number values I add in are rough approximations, most of them are just indicative of the strength of the reward and by no means are final numbers (for example if I put +1000 minerals I really just mean a high amount of minerals, the actual amount is up to the testers and balancers). If 10% is too high from a balance perspective then by all means change it

tzerrell commented 7 years ago

Revised English in the left-for-dead branch -- I wanted people to be able to see the changes I made and hopefully this will be easier for the coder as well. You can see it here:

By the way, when you use possessives in English they need apostrophes.

Rahorus commented 6 years ago

finished the event, needs routine proofreading and testing. seems to be working normally.

CaligulaCaesar commented 6 years ago

I've proofread this. I also noticed it isn't really applicable to machines and synths at all, and disabled it for them. Plus I made some slight variations to the texts for better flavour if you are a hive mind.