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New Event Chain: Lost and Found (first draft) #227

Open Chhkt opened 7 years ago

Chhkt commented 7 years ago

Event: Lost and Found

Requirements for spawn as anomaly: Requires Xenophile FE Only upon scanning a continental world

[On anomaly spawn]> (Scientist name) has detected a very strange creature on the surface of (planet name). It does not seem to match any of the existing lifeforms observed on the planet's surface, and may warrant more investigation.

[Success, 60% chance]> The creature was pinpointed to a lightly forested area at the base of a mountain. (Scientist name) and a small away team set down in a shuttle not far away and managed to sneak up on the creature to observe it. A quadruped with a tail, two floppy appendages on its head, and brown fur, was busy rolling in the local flora on its back in comical fashion. (Scientist name) cautiously approached the creature which was receptive and even friendly, allowing (Scientist name) to touch it. It appears to have a collar, with a name written in an unknown language on it. The question is, is it a sentient being, or something else?

Dialogue Choices: [no req]>Study the creature on the planet. [Adds 3 society research to planet] [no req]>Collect it for investigation. [Begins "Lost and Found" event chain] [fanatic/xenophile ethic]>"It's adorable!" [Adds 1 Alien Pets/4 society research to (random colony planet), begins "Lost and Found" event chain.] [fanatic/xenophobe ethic]>"Put it out of its misery." [Scientist name gains ?200? experience]

[Failure, 30% chance]> (Scientist name) observed the creature from a distance and found it was actually part of a species of native creatures that live beneath the surface in shallow caves. Study of the creatures may yield some interesting biological data but (Scientist name) has determined that there is nothing special about them that would warrant intensive investigation. [Adds +1 social research to planet]


[1]> With the creature now in our possession, research on it has yielded some surprising results. The creature is actually pre-sentient and calculations show that within approximately 36 generations it may become aware of its own existence. Its friendliness when interacting with our people is very rare, and portions of the population are now requesting that it be cloned for the enjoyment of the general public.

Dialogue Choices: [no req][2a]> "I don't see why not." [Adds 1 Alien Pets/3 society research to 2 random colony planets] [no req][2b]> "We don't know its capabilites yet." [no req][2b]> "We don't know who it belongs to yet."

[2a]> The populations on (random colony planets 1-2) are overjoyed with their new companions. Happiness on (random colony planets 1-2) has skyrocketed, causing productivity to surge and an increased acceptance of alien organisms. [adds planet modifier "Cuddly Companions"(mineral/energy output +10%) and random number of pops gain xenophile ethic]

Dialogue Choices: [no req][3a]> Wonderful! [no req][3a]> Still...where did it come from?

[2b]> Further studies done on the creature have determined it to be harmless besides being a potential vector for minor parasites. Work on translating the language engraved on its collar continues, and will take some time to yield meaningful results. Meanwhile, the public still wishes to see the furry creature made available for enjoyment through cloning.

Dialogue Choices: [no req][3a]> "Sure, begin the cloning process." [Adds 1 Alien Pets/3 society research to 2 random colony planets 3-4] [no req][3b]> "It will be kept for research purposes only." [Empire Happiness -5% for 12 months, +120 influence]

[3a]> Something has gone wrong. While they aren't posing a threat right now, the pets everyone have come to love and adore are beginning to breed at an uncontrolled rate. This should be impossible, unless something with the cloning process was tampered with. Our science team is preparing an investigation into the matter.

[no req][4a]> Begin special project (2 months) modifier added to planets with alien pets (uncontrolled pet population -20% food) move to 4a

[3b]> The public has mostly forgotten the creature, finding other more pressing matters to attend to. Meanwhile, the creature itself has become less active and receptive to researcher affection, often not moving for hours at a time during the day despite having a pristine environment and plenty of sustenance.

Dialogue Choices: [no req][4b]> "Concerning. Find out why. [issues special project for 1 month] [no req][4c]> "It is what it is.

[4a]> The offical report on the tampering of the cloning process has yielded nothing substantial. The lack of solid facts and meaningful reasoning is suspicious, but what is obvious is that (society researcher name) has become increasingly adept at manipulating genetic code. In the meantime, the rampant population of pets on the affected planets has grown even more, and farms are struggling to provide food for both the creatures and our own people. [(society researcher name) gains genetics expertise, or maniacal if genetics is already present]

Dialogue Choices: [no req][5a]> "We will find a solution!" [issues special project, takes 1 month, special project establishes contact with xenophile FE] [no req][5b]> "Begin another internal investigation." [-30 influence, issues another special project, takes 1 month to complete] [fanatic/xenophobe][5c]> "We can't tolerate this anymore. Purge them." [all alien pet/society tiles are removed in Empire, population gains +10% happiness for 48 months]

[4b]> It appears that the subject creature is for lack of a better term "homesick", wishing to be returned to where it came from. Obviously the planet we first encountered it is not its home, so where did it come from?

Dialogue Choices: [no req][5a]> Finish translating the collar's engraving. [issues special project, takes 1 month, special project establishes contact with xenophile FE]

[4c]> Over the past 2 months the creature has slipped into an even greater state of inactivity. Today, vital signs of the creature have ceased and it has been pronounced dead. Having kept it in captivity has provided us with plenty of research about the possibilities of domesticating other pre-sentient alien lifeforms, but the public is not happy about the neglect shown by our scientists. [Uplift research +30% progress or +800 society research if complete, -10% empire happiness modifier "Cruel Treatment" for 5 years if ethics not fanatic/xenophobe] ###END EVENT CHAIN###

[5a]> The translation of the engraving on the collar has been completed. The creature belongs to (Xenophile FE name here) and sending a broadcast out to the rest of the galaxy summoning them would require almost no effort at all...should they still exist.

Dialogue Choices: [no req][FE1]> "Please, make the call." [no req][FE1]>

[FE1]> "(plural player species name)! We are so delighted that you have found our lost companion! He was separated from us recently while we were observing your species and its progress into space. Would you kindly return it to us?"

Dialogue Choices: [if 4b complete][FE1a]> " can have all of them!" [if 2a, 3a complete][FE1b]> "It has brought our people much joy, how about its clones?" [if fanatic/materialist][FE1c]> "Finders keepers! It is ours to enjoy now. " [materialist/fanatic materialist] (gain 120 influence, FE gains -40 opinion modifier)

[FE1a]> "You made clones of it? We are concerned you have made such a questionable choice, but we will find homes for them. Thank you (plural player species)."

Dialogue Choices: [no req][x]> "Thank you for your understanding." [removes all alien pet/society tiles, removes "Uncontrolled Pet Population" modifiers, empire gains "Beneficial Compromise" modifier +15% happiness for 10 years.] ###END EVENT CHAIN###

[FE1b]> "We thought you wouldn't have been successful with that technology for at least several more decades.

#################################################################### Later stages improved upon, organization of events improved for an easier read.

Still looking for suggestions and comments, especially on reward values that may or may not be ridiculous.

BLimmie commented 7 years ago

If this doesn't have a coder working on it, I'll take it on.

Chhkt commented 7 years ago

I will be taking time to slim this down and make it simpler BLimmie, hope you haven't gotten too far on it.

tzerrell commented 7 years ago

@Chhkt tag me when you've done with the slimming revisions and I'll go over the English

BLimmie commented 7 years ago

I haven't worked on this one as much. Feel free to make as many changes as you want first, even if it's a complete event revamp