MoreEventsMod / More_Events_Mod_Beta

Testing Branch for the Next More Events Mod version
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New Event: The Lunar Gate #231

Closed R3miel7 closed 7 years ago

R3miel7 commented 7 years ago

Please let me know what you think or if you have any suggestions for improvement.

Lunar Gate Event Occurs roughly two years after a Planetary Administration has been constructed on a colony with at least one non-habitable moon. Cannot fire twice for the same empire. Can only fire for empires with Wormhole technology.

Upon Event Fire:

The Lunar Gate GFX_evt_asteroid_approaching_planet

_Prospectors on [moon_name] have discovered a large vein of unique elements that may enable the construction of a long range wormhole generator on the moon itself! Unlike our standard wormholes, the proposed wormhole gate would connect [colony_name] to every other colony in our space simultaneously! However, there are several issues: First, the wormholes created by the Lunar Gate will be completely incompatible with our standard ship designs. Only small civilian ships will be able to access and use the gate as the wormholes are much smaller and more unstable than currently understood wormhole technology. While inconvenient for our military and our own civilian ships, the gate should greatly boost the colony’s economy by providing nearly instant contact with our other colonies. Second, the Lunar Gate will utilize a completely new theory of wormholes and is thus untested. Our standard wormhole theory necessitates that wormholes only exist outside of the gravity well of a system. [moonname]’s unique elements allow us to bypass this constraint but the risk of failure is substantial. Finally, the construction of the Lunar Gate is not without cost: it will take a substantial investment to build the Gate.

Option 1: The benefits outweigh the risks.

Cost: 500 minerals, 800 energy
Spawn physics special project on moon

Option 2: Too much can go wrong. Study the elements instead.

(only available if Option 1 can be afforded)
+50 physics research, end event chain.

Option 3: It’s too expensive. Study the elements instead.

 (only available if player cannot afford option 1) 
+50 physics research, end event chain.

Option 4: It’s too expensive. Begin amassing the resources needed.

 (only available if player cannot afford option 1 and if player can afford influence cost) 
Cost: 50 Influence
Begin timer for event: “Final Chance to Construct Lunar Gate”

Final Chance to Construct Lunar Gate GFX_evt_asteroid_approaching_planet

Event fires 12 months after timer begins from option 4 of The Lunar Gate event.

_Local interests from [colonyname] are demanding that we make a decision regarding the proposed Lunar Gate. It seems that the local government is losing its appetite for such an expensive and risky project. If construction for the Lunar Gate is to begin, it needs to begin now. However, if we did not sufficiently save for the Gate, the colony will have less faith in our government overall.

Option 1: The benefits outweigh the risks.

Cost: 500 minerals, 800 energy
Spawn physics special project on moon

Option 2: Too much can go wrong. Study the elements instead.

(only available if player can afford option 1)
+50 physics research, end event chain.

Option 3: It’s still too expensive. Study the elements instead.

 (only available if player cannot afford option 1) 
+50 physics research, end event chain.
-5 happiness on colony, expires in 60 months

Special Project Construct Lunar Gate _The construction of the Lunar Gate on [moon_name] will require one of our best scientists to pioneer the new miniature wormhole technology needed. With the construction of the Lunar Gate, the economy of [colonyname] will be revolutionized with quick access all of our colonized space.

Requirements: Has Science Ship: 1 Has a Scientist with skill level = 5 Analysis: Field: Physics Cost: 500 points

On Success: 65%: Trigger Event: "Lunar Gate Completed" event 25%: Trigger Event: "Lunar Gate Disaster" event 10%: Trigger Event: "Lunar Gate Collapse" event

Lunar Gate Completed GFX_evt_wormhole

_The Lunar Gate on [moon_name] has been successfully activated and is revolutionizing [colony_name]! With transportation times to our other worlds cut nearly to zero, the economy is growing and an unprecedented rate. While we will need to monitor the Gate and [colonyname] to ensure there are no negative effects, it’s safe to say that the Lunar Gate project has been a success.

Option 1: Excellent.

Adds modifier to moon: Lunar Gate
“The Lunar Gate provides long-range wormhole access to civilian ships of the system.”
The “Lunar Gate” modifier has no effects

Adds modifier to colony: Access to Lunar Gate
“Near instant access to all colonized worlds has boosted the local economy”
+20% minerals from colony
+20% energy from colony

Ends event chain

Lunar Gate Disaster GFX_evt_nuclear_explosion

_An accident on [moon_name] has resulted in disaster for the Lunar Gate! When testing the gate, a gravitational anomaly caused a massive wormhole that ripped the planet apart. Needless to say, the Lunar Gate was lost along with the entirety of [moon_name]. The debris from the catastrophe is raining down on [colony_name] has already destroyed several regions and their populations. Additionally, the debris from [moon_name] is interfering with the environment of [planetname] and is causing health problems across the world. It will take quite some time before the colony recovers.

Option 1: What a tragedy!

Transforms moon into a broken world
Kills 2 pops on planet
Adds 2 “Bombarded Land” tile blockers on planet
Ends event chain

Adds modifier to moon: Lunar Gate Catastrophe
“The failed Lunar Gate destroyed the moon”
The “Lunar Gate Catastrophe” modifier has no effects

Adds modifier to colony: Lunar Gate Disaster
“The debris from the moon and the failed Lunar Gate has polluted the environment of the world.”
-10 habitability
-10 happiness
Expires in 120 months

Lunar Gate Collapse GFX_evt_black_hole

_An accident on [moon_name] has resulted in disaster for the Lunar Gate! When testing the gate, a wormhole collapsed and created a micro-black hole which consumed [moon_name]! Unfortunately, [scientist_name] was within the event horizon when black hole emerged along with the rest of the crew of [science_ship]. Thankfully, the orbit of new black hole is stable around [planet_name] and does not appear to be interfering with [colonyname]. Our current projections do not have the black hole evaporating in this millennia so for now, the colony is safe. If nothing else, at least the new black hole will provide an interesting object of study.

Option 1: Unfortunate.

Destroys  the researching science ship
Transforms moon into a black hole
Removes any resources from the moon and adds 5 physics research and a Dark Matter strategic resource
Adds modifier to black hole: Former Moon
“The Lunar Gate experiment ended with the moon being consumed into a black hole.”
The “Former Moon” modifier has no effects.
Ends event chain
Tuttu commented 7 years ago

Leave a note when you think this event is ready. Only the title makes me want to code it. :D

Elimdur commented 7 years ago

Good that we already have a special broken planet class that we can use with with change_pc

When you are at that point Tuttu, take a look at the very end of mem_ea_uplifter_events.txt This is where the shielded world is changed to our custom broken world (in vanilla the broken world is a special entity that is usually only accessable via system initialiser).

The event looks very promising. I would suggest to limit it to only wormhole (check has_tech) empires. For others the initial text wouldn´t fit.

R3miel7 commented 7 years ago

I didn't realize we can check for specific types of travel. Makes sense though when considering the travel method is all just starting tech.

Tuttu commented 7 years ago

Now that I have taken the time to read it, I will clearly write this event. :) Mu only concern is with the cost of the project. 200 minerals and 100 energy seems a bit cheap to me, especially if the events trigger during the mid-game or late early-game but this is just a matter of tweaking numbers. ;)

R3miel7 commented 7 years ago

I didn't have much context for the costs of things when writing the event. I can adjust as needed to make it more in line with the timeline and other events.

R3miel7 commented 7 years ago

Made adjustments regarding cost and updating writing to reflect event is only available to wormhole empires.

tzerrell commented 7 years ago

Put my revisions in the lunar-gate branch in a loc file so you could see the diffs. Hopefully makes coding a bit easier too.