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Easteregg: Special system with ASoIaF planet #327

Open Elimdur opened 7 years ago

Elimdur commented 7 years ago

To not forget frogs idea:

Spawning a special system at game start (with a small chance)

Can be in various states.

State 1:

Before the Fall of Valyria

State 2:

Aegons Conquest of Westeros

State 3:

War against the White Walkers

State 4:

A frozen world populated by "Snowelves"

State 1 - 3 will have player interactions via observation post events.

For State 1:

A quest chain that may possibly lead to either the Fall of Valyria via supervolcano eruption caused by a mistake of the players scientists or a possibly integration of the planet into the players empire.

For State 2:

The Dragon Conquest of Westeros with the player possibly interfering in key events.

For State 3:

Possible saving operation to defeat the White Walkers through military intervention. General aboard transport ship needed in orbit. May be linked to the Azor Ahai prophesy (Energy weapons --- Flaming sword) Possible integration afterwards. Or (bad) ending with White Walker win resulting in a situation similar to State 4.

Tuttu commented 7 years ago

Sounds like a cool idea. :)

Elimdur commented 7 years ago

In state 1 while having an observation post with a relatively low mtth and being a non ai empire starts event:

The commanding officer of our observation post orbiting [planet name] requests the assistence of one of our science ships. While performing routine survey flights scientists from the station have detected a strange energy field located on a large peninsula on the southern half of the largest continent. Due to their lack of a sophisticated scanning array no further informations could be gathered.

-> special project on the planet

A strange energy field has been detected on [planet name]. Further investigation is necessary.

-> finishing the project

With the help of the [science ship name] our scientists were able to further pinpoint the location and extent of the energy field. It surrounds a range of active volcanoes on the southern peninsula of the largest continent where according to the observation staff the most advanced nation of this world has its center of influence. Through conducting a hidden observation mission at one of the volcanoes our science team learned about a grand scale mining operation run by the before mentioned nation. How they are able to resist the intense heat inside the volcanoes has yet to be explained. Chief scientist [scientist name] doubts that this energy field is a natual occurance as nothing about the volcanoes is special in any way. Though [he/she] cannot verify it by now [he/she] believes it may be connected to the mining. The observation team will focus their efforts on gaining more informations about what is happening there.

-> some time later a new popup