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Orila Addon - Chronicles of the Orila (Name suggested by Frog) #367

Open Elimdur opened 7 years ago

Elimdur commented 7 years ago

Adding the Orila as a bevolent Fallen Empire like entity split into two factions.

The first faction the player will encounter are the autonomous drone guardians of systems inhabited by primitive civs. These drones are run by advanced AI.

Through interacting with these drones in one way or the other the player will then eventually come into contact with the Orila main faction.

Over the course of the game there shall be various interactions with them, like giving you quests or asking for your support. While they are technological advanced they are far over ther zenith and their numbers are shrinking dangerously. As their decline has not been gone unnoticed by other great powers in the galaxy a storm is coming. On which side will the player stand?

For those on good term with them, they may in turn offer rewards and helpful items or technologies and when the time comes maybe even everything that is their heritage as they pass away as a species.


At game start having some random lists decide if that complex is used at all, then if there are only the drones left protecting some systems (which then would enable the orila origins quest in case that anomaly is spawned) or if there is going to the the Orila FE as well

Spawning of randomized protected primitive systems across the galaxy (systems are done)

Encounter with the guardians (called "Ancient Protectors") in one of these systems.

This first encounter can go down different paths:

Orila homesystem and 2 other related systems are spawned outside of fe and empire clusters

From now on quests may be given by them to the player

Interactions with crisis should they arise Interactions with war in heaven should it happen ( maybe joining the free block )

Elimdur commented 7 years ago

Possible side missions:

Remove a roaming pirate fleet that is threatening nearby systems.

Destroy a pirate haven

Protect a system from pirate attacks (multiple spawns over time)

Create a new "Protected system" to protect a random primitive species like the one initially spawned.

Elimdur commented 7 years ago

Interaction with the automated system Guardians:

General interaction text:

Greeting: "Incoming vessel, this system is under the protection of the Non-Interference-Treaty passed by the galactic senate. You are permitted to stay in this system as long as your actions do not violate said treaty. Be warned that any aggression towards the protected planet, this station or any of its assets will be met accordingly. In case you have any questions, this station's administrative AI will provide you with all available information."

For Corrupted AI Transmission Ending:

"Threat assessment complete... Initiating attack procedure...Please stand by."

Elimdur commented 7 years ago

A random primitive planet without ancient protectors stations has been attacked by a space monster and the habitability is getting worse. The Orila now ask for support in reverting this effect to save the natives.

"We greet you again, friend. I wish the circumstances of our meeting would be better, but we have to ask for your support. A few days ago our scouts reported an attack on a pre FTL civilisation. While we were able to fend of the aggressor -- a crystalline entity -- it managed to infest the planet before our arrival. We have already sent a detachment of our scientists to contain the infestation but they are fighting a losing battle. Our forces are spread thin and we lack the manpower to save this planet without compromising the protection of our other proteges. Would you be willing to lead the planetary restoration effort with the assistence of our scientists? Your help shall not be forgotten."

Elimdur commented 7 years ago

Rogue AI may expand after first entcounter, slowly taking surrounding systems and building up force ending up somewhat like the garden.

First you encounter the rogue AI then fail to defeat them right away. Some time passes and the AI takes actions to ensure its longterm survival. It creates a leader drone to build new outposts in nearby systems. But to not make it too hard for the player, these have to be weaker than the main station. It could possibly replicate mining drones and stations of that type.

Elimdur commented 7 years ago

Peacekeeping mission similar to the fleet maneuvre event. fleet has to do a project at a random point.

Elimdur commented 11 months ago

Interactions with system guardians.

Case 1 Standard

Case 2 Damaged AI

Case 3 Corrupted AI

Elimdur commented 6 months ago

Special system interactions

Magnus (ES)

Nirn - special feature : Blackreach (underground cave adding 3 potential crystal mine buildings

Information given by AI Q: What can you tell us about this planet and its system? A: This system was first discovered in cycle 18035 of the galactic standard calendar, when it appeared in the wake of a particularly violent shroud storm passing through this region of space. Its unusual gravitational setup - namely a planet being at its center rather than a star - has been the subject of scientifc investigation ever since.\n\nWhile the other orbital bodies within the system are rather uninteresting, the central planet holds various peculiarities. Multiple genetically unrelated sapient species inhabit its largest continent in a more or less stable coexistence. The likelihood of them having evolved along eachother naturally is very low, thus outside influence has been deemed most probable even in the absence of any signs regarding the responsible party.

Observation post event: Discovery of Blackreach Scientists studying the native inhabitants of Nirn learned about a giant subterranean cavesystem below the freezing northern lands, known to the natives as "Blackreach". According to the acquired information it is said to have once been home to a now long lost civilization which had settled there because of vast mineral riches found in the vicinity - particularly, as our scientists have deducted from descriptions in their sources, rare crystals. This as well as the promise of archaeological findings warrants a covert expedition to locate this mystical place.

arc site step 1 locating and entering one of the access lifts

Due to their study of various native information sources our observation teams were able to pinpoint a number of ruins which as our scans have confirmed lead deep underground. The most remote location was then chosen as the starting point for our expedition in order to keep the risk of direct contact with members of the native population to a minimum. Arriving at the ruins their difference to buildings used by the observed native population became immediatly apparent. The technological advancement of this place's former occupants must have been way ahead of its time and still was to this day. Broken mechanisms of indeterminable purpose littered the ground within the confines of a fortresslike structure. Aside from some aggressive local fauna which had been quickly neutralized no signs of recent habitation were found. A preliminary examination of the area located what appears to be an elevator shaft leading down into the underground within one of the central buildings. Our engineers have begun to secure this access point to allow the exploration of the subterranean layers.

step 2 traverse ruin to reach the giant underground cavern

Through the installation of a makeshift lift within the elevator shaft we gained access to the ruins' subterranean layers. Time has had its effect there as well, but miraculously the majority of strange machinery found throughout the bunker-like structure was still running, providing light through glowing crystal artifices and recharging primitive automatons - which when activated reacted exclusively hostile towards our expedition. What source provided the energy for all this could not be determined though, as parts of the complex were inaccessible because of collapsed hallways. Aside from the everpresent automatons, no clues could be found as to the whereabouts of the former residents. Reaching the deepest layer of the structure our expedition encountered an exit point leading into a vast natural cavern. A base camp at said exit as well as a supply route through the structure to connect to the surface was established to allow for further exploration.

step 3 explore the cavern

When our expedition entered the vast cavern system, a truly alien scenery awaited it. The air was heavy and filled with spores dispersed constantly by a forest of gigantic glowing fungi. Through their inherent bioluminescence these spores tinted vast areas of the cavern in an eerie blueish hue and accumulated within the stretches of water found here and there turning them opaque turquoise. Enormous crystals protrude both from the ground as well as the cavern ceiling, their reflective surfaces further propagating the fungus' light, contributing to the ominous atmosphere. In the far distance structures not unlike those found at the surface entrance could be seen. Setting these structures as their next destination, our expedition continued their way through the black reaches, curiously monitored by strange humanoid cave dwellers and their insectoid pets. These primitive beings appeared to be devolved relatives of one of the surface dwellings humanoid species, yet lacking their intellect and physically adapted to the cavern system. Our numbers, for better or worse, seemend to dissuade them from making any advances, though.

step 4 finding the archive

step 5 exploring the archive and finding the "dark heart" artifact