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Early game event chain: Nomad One #434

Open ViolentBeetle opened 6 years ago

ViolentBeetle commented 6 years ago

An idea with a beginning and the end, but no middle. Needs middle.

Plot: Around 150 years before game started, your species had launched interstellar generation ship called Nomad One (Perhaps name can be obscured or randomized, but it's the working title). Specific reasons vary with ethics, additionally post-apocalyptic civic gets their own version. Should you roll your lucky number, you get this event around 15-25 years into the game to try and find it.

Sol-starting empires only given consideration if there's no human_2 empire, human_2 empire is not giving this event at all.


Yaulendil commented 6 years ago

wrote this for a bad ending, first thing that came to me; small bits of inspiration from SGU, SS13

Our away team has completed their survey of the ancient generation ship we found. The interior of the vessel is not an attractive scene, with two members of the team involuntarily voiding the contents of their upper digestive systems in revulsion. According to security footage and activity logs it appears the original colonists split into a loose "tribal" system of sorts, based around onboard duties soon after departure.

[SCIENTIST] concludes that the second generation, the children of the original colonists, was raised in this tribal system and must have fully internalized it, because it appears the ship underwent something akin to a civil war. After an altercation over which "tribe" owned a particular washroom escalated to violence and eventually murder, the two groups erupted into full conflict.

The minimal security detail was, understandably, entirely overwhelmed.

Two days of fighting led to the complete eradication of the smaller side, mostly comprised of technical staff, and critical damage to the life support systems. With nobody left alive capable of repairing it, the remaining crew slowly suffocated over the course of the next week.

[ Sounds like they weren't really the winners after all. ] (+society) [ This is horrible! Hold a funeral for every crewmember. ] (-influence, +unity, +society) [ Suppress these findings, the citizenry need not know. ] (-energy, +influence)

ViolentBeetle commented 6 years ago

Further notes: Final system can instead host a planet with knock-off primitive civ called Madwahn

If you are a nomad-one sender for them add special observation event "Reunion" that annex them quickly and for free.

Make sure to write events in case someone uplifts or annex them.