MoreEventsMod / More_Events_Mod_Beta

Testing Branch for the Next More Events Mod version
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Origin - Breakaway Civilization #533

Open Elimdur opened 4 years ago

Elimdur commented 4 years ago

Premise: You are playing as the most advanced nation of your still politically fractured homeworld. While the other nations are still technologically in the atomic age, your nation unbeknownst to the rest of the world managed to take a leap into the space age fueled by a cache of ancient technology uncovered during excavations inside your nation's borders. In clandestine operations first outposts in your solar system have been established and a token force of tiny space ships run your nation's flag patrolling your newly claimed sphere of influence. Meanwhile tensions between the various nation states bound in a cold war grow ever stronger back on your homeworld. Your secret spaceprogram is yet unknown to the world. Planetary unification is nothing more than a distant hope at this point and global conflict only a single keystroke away.

Gameplay: Start on a normal planet with slightly less pops and multiple blockers (around 3 or so) symbolizing other important rival nations. These blockers cannot normally be cleared. They will be removed via unification events or during a doomsday scenario.

A hidden variable will be used as a kind of doomsday clock. If it goes all the way up an event will fire that can result in a global nuclear war, turning the planet into a tombworld, killing some pops and also causing devastation. But it will also add the survivor trait to your species' pops giving them tombworld habitability like in the tombworld start scenario. So it would not be purely bad.

If the counter goes all the way down, a peaceful unification becomes possible.

In the meantime various events may happen based on the variable counter which can result in increasing or lowering it using player input (making decisions) and weighted random lists as outcomes.

Taking various options can cost or yield resources or influence where you have to weight shortterm boons against the longterm threat of global conflict.

Incorporating the other nations into your unified dominion yields some pops and perhaps rare resource sources like special planetary features (rare crystals, dust moles, gas, strange wildlife, betharian stone) - this has to be randomized so not every game has the same stuff.

Elimdur commented 4 years ago

Random events: (no particular order of importance or chronology)

1 A defector tries to share our secrets with a rival nation

2 Foreign spies come close to the truth

3 Diplomatic round table of the big powers (needs some different things that can happen here)

4 One of our shuttle craft crashes on foreign soil after a malfunction title: "Shuttle Crash" text: "System command reports that one of our shuttle craft suffered a critical malfunction during reentry on [root.capital_scope.GetName]. The crew survived the crash but are now stranded on foreign soil.\n\nThe emergency landing didn't go unnoticed by the local military and forces are already advancing towards the crash site. Fortunately the event occured in a remote arrea and we still got time to act in order to protect our secrets."

5 Mass protests against nuclear weapons all over the world ("No Planet B" pun)

6 Assassination atempt on foreign leader, we are framed

7 A border conflict between two other countries breaks out

8 The first other country launches a satellite into orbit

9 A natural catastrophy hits a rival nation

10 Dogfights after enemy trespasses airspace

11 Whistleblower in the media

Tuttu commented 4 years ago

12 A giant meteor / asteroid is on course to meet the Earth. You are the only one that can stop it and the fate of your world is in your hand.

Tuttu commented 4 years ago

13 An alien invasion starts... from the very inside of the planet. A dormant hive has been awoken and must be dealt with quickly.

14 Alternative with enormous creatures (Think Kaiju). Could give you the Titanic life modifier