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Chada Returns after Ascension #550

Closed Elimdur closed 3 months ago

Elimdur commented 9 months ago

This will work separately from the Lost Emperor events (but should be mutually exclusive in the playthrough).

The premise is "Chada has ascended, but was evicted from the higher plane of existence by his peers as they could not stand his shennanigans"

It starts in a special system (central size 30 gaia planet with everything else orbiting it, a group of shrouded worlds at the outer part labeled as discard. An unbidden fleet besieging the system has to be defeated in order to start the quest.

They message you when you enter the system (hostile, but offer a small bit of info, why they are here) "Do not free the demon!!!"

After defeating them you receive an ominous invitation to the planet. Scanning it reveals a primitive civilization dwelling on it.

Your delegation is welcomed by them and introduced to the godemperor (bit of exposition dump via diplo event, using methods from the traveler event.

You recruit him or not.


you get the legendary leader

yearly pulse event with random list and timer starts his shennanigans (adding blockers or various planetmodifiers - good and bad)

Elimdur commented 9 months ago

First event, when entering the system for the first time: Gravitational Anomaly When entering the [solar_system.GetName] system, our crew is greeted by a peculiar sight. What was previously assumed to be a sole star with a few planets is in fact a binary system with a much smaller and barely visible brown dwarf accompanying the primary star, its orbiting planets without exception veiled in ominous layers of clouds.\n\nThis is not where the peculiarities end, however, as according to our observations the center of gravity is not [solar_system.GetName] but a planet, which is to top it all off not only habitable but also inhabitated by a seemingly primitive civilization. Everything here atleast in extension revolves around it.\n\nHow all this is possible is already a topic for hot debate between our experts. One thing they all agree on already, though, is that its origin is beyond a doubt artificial. Peculiar

Elimdur commented 9 months ago

Possible Flavor Events for bored Chada waiting for his reascension.

Chada changes a barren world in his image for future generations to appreciate his magnificence. Adds a modifier to the planet with flavor text detailing what has been done to it. "In His Likeness" "We have gotten reports about peculiar happenings in the [mem_descended_flavor_system.GetName].\n\nThe [mem_descended_flavor_planet.GetPlanetMoon] [mem_descended_flavor_planet.GetName] has had one of its hemispheres transformed to resemble a familar face...\n\nQuestioned regarding the matter, [mem_descended_flavor_leader.GetName] emphasized the importance of documenting his magnificance for generations to come after his reascension. As a consolation he informed us about various resource deposits he located during his creative process, but asks to excavate them with care to not damage his "artwork"."

Chada makes the entire populace start a two month long celebration leading to productivity breakdown short term, but big happiness boost ~three times the time (maybe a bit longer) "Empire-wide Celebrations" "Colonial administrations all over the empire report a near breakdown in productivity as spontaneous celebrations erupt wherever more than a handful [root.GetSpeciesPlural] meet. If this continued, our economy may collapse completely.\n\nNot concerned in the slightest [mem_descended_flavor_leader.GetName] remarked, how all these people needed to let off some steam, so he arranged for them to have some fun. According to him, this will not go on for longer than two months and would most likely result in better production output afterwards." "Is this dancing plague infectious?!"

Chada hands you a fallen empire building of his own making, taking some minerals from your stockpiles. "A Mysterious Construction" "In a flurry of manical activity [mem_descended_flavor_leader.GetName] had begun funneling resources into one of his "little pet projects". Within a matter of days a building of yet unknown purpose began to rise above the surface of [mem_descended_flavor_planet.GetName].\n\nWhen he finished his work [mem_descended_flavor_leader.GetName] noted: "I've got you a little something here. Might be quite a bit ahead of your current research, but you should be able to operate it without issues, probably...""

Chada gives some lgate clue "Insights From Beyond" "Amused by our attempts to study the mysterious L-Gates [mem_descended_flavor_leader.GetName] chimed in saying: "If you just do this like so..."\n\nAs the [root.GetSpeciesAdj] scientists watched in astonishment, he made several seemingly simple but in fact deeply profound amendments to their work, in the process advancing their studies on the matter by years within the blink of an eye."

Chada summons a planetary storm - some devastation, lasting modifier decreasing habitability, increasing energy production. "A Raging Storm" "Our colonial administration on [mem_descended_flavor_planet.GetName] reports about anomalous weather activity. Multiple supercells have formed and ravage the planets surface with wind speeds far beyond normal parameters. Our infrastructure, not built with such conditions in mind, already suffered immensely.\n\nIt did not take long to determine the culprit behind this event. [mem_descended_flavor_planet.GetName] being a generator world, [mem_descended_flavor_leader.GetName] had taken it upon himself to permanently increase its energy output by while commenting nonapologetically with: "Well, you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet. Is that a saying in your civilization? If not, it should be atleast..." "Please, atleast give us a warning next time."

Chada temporarly changes the color of the sky over one of your colonies, population puzzled. Adding temporary modifier to planet, increasing happiness. "Alien Sky" "Residents of [mem_descended_flavor_planet.GetName] were puzzled today when looking up into the sky as its usual color was replaced by multitude of different tones from all over the chromatic spectrum. This visual spectacle led to a short-lived breakdown of productivity as everyone put down their work to watch the phenomenon.\n\nBy now order has been reastablished, but the colorful sky will likely remain for a little while longer according to [mem_descended_flavor_leader.GetName], the apparent mastermind behind this happening."

Chada accidently destroys an upgraded starbase "Reactor Overload" "In an attempt to push the energy output of one of our starbases well past its intended limits, multiple safety systems ran into cascading failures which led to catastrophy and the station's complete destruction. Even though the entire crew was safely evacuated thanks to [mem_descended_flavor_leader.GetName]' quick reaction and his repeated assurance that the reason for this event was a previously undetected structural weakness in one of the secondary cooling systems, any further experiments of this kind have been postponed indefinitely. The loss of an entire starbase simply cannot be just brushed aside." "That starbase took us years to build..."

Chada accidently blows up an uninhabited backwater system (no digsites, no colonies, no habitable worlds) - will use destroy system effect - make sure the black hole gets a dark matter deposit (adds dark matter drawing as tech option) "Unexpected Supernova" "Our scientists were shocked when reports about the [mem_descended_flavor_system.GetName] being destroyed by its star going supernova came in. Luckily we only had some automated installations there and no loss of life has occured due to that event. Why it happened in the first place, baffled our experts at first, but the reason soon revealed itself.\n\nLooking a bit dispirited [mem_descended_flavor_leader.GetName] commented on the matter: "Oh, it could have been so magnificent, had it just worked out. But, alas, let us not be down. We don't make mistakes, just happy little accidents... And the system has its own charm now. Maybe you should give that singularity a closer inspection.\n\nNo need to be upset about it, right? Let bygones be bygones, all stardust under the hyperlane, isn't it? You blow up ONE single solar system and some people would nag about it until the end of times... You aren't one of them, are you? There wasn't anything important there, was it?"" "Wait... Did that happen before?!"

Chada shares clues for dark matter component research (can only happen after supernova event) player can choose between tech options for shields, reactors and propulsion. "Dark Desires" "Apparently in a good mood [mem_descended_flavor_leader.GetName] entered the general staff meeting today addressing [ruler.GetName] directly: "Well, hello [root.GetRulerTitle], I am feeling quite generous today. You remember the dark matter deposit you aquired due to that little accident? Let's not warm up those old stories, though. But be that as it may, this material happens to have an extensive range of possible applications. I may be able to give your scientists a nudge into the right direction. The rest is up to them, however. Where would be the sense of pride and accomplishment, if I just handed it to you, right?\n\nMake your Choice.""

Chada creates more adaptable farming animal for colonization efforts. Too successful. Specimen escapes and multiplies with other species (accidental xenocompatibility) and creates a horde of dangerous hybrids. monsters attack colony + dangerous wildlife modifier added "Accidental Xeno-Compatibility" "In an effort to create a more adaptable farming animal for our colonization efforts our [root.GetScientists] were lended a hand by [mem_descended_flavor_leader.GetName]. The result of their work was indeed astounding, though as it turned out it was a bit too successful. One of the test specimen managed to escape its confinment and was reported lost after a failed attempt to retrieve it.\n\nWhat nobody expected was its ability to procreate with species distinct from its own. Sightings of unknown creatures and disfigured mutants at the outskirts of our colony, at first shrugged of as cases of confusion due to bad visibility, have been increasing in frequency.\n\nThe zones with the highest number of sightings have been cordoned off as a preemptive measure, but it is likely only a matter of time until this situation escalates further."

Chada greates the perfect pet a memetic being that appears different to whoever looks at it suiting the preference of its owner perfectly. A random leader gains emotional support pet trait. "The Perfect Pet" "One of [mem_descended_flavor_leader.GetName]' recent side projects has apparently come to fruition. With him a small, cute-looking creature entered the conference room. According to him, his goal was to recreate a creature he once held dear, but the result was a partial failure.\n\nNonetheless it possesses some quite peculiar properties. To the puzzelement of everyone present, nobody described its details in the same way. The only common agreement was about the fact that it was the cutest creature they had ever seen. Some theorized about possible inherent psionic abilities, which allowed it to modify other's perceptions of it as a form of instinctual selfprotection.\n\nBeside this curious property it behaves like a docile pet. During the meeting, the creature developed a particular infatuation with [mem_descended_flavor_target_leader.GetName] who later asked to take care of it. Seeing no issue with said proposal, [mem_descended_flavor_leader.GetName] agreed, but left [mem_descended_flavor_target_leader.HimHer] and [mem_descended_flavor_target_leader.HisHer] new companion with an ominous but stern warning: "No water. No feeding past midnight. Better don't ask why. Just don't do it, trust me.""

Bethesda reference. Planet gets terraforming modifier (handcrafted perfection or something) and temporary debuff "A Perfect Mess" "Lately §Y[mem_descended_flavor_planet.GetName]§! has undergone some strange changes. Airborne fauna has been observed flying backwards and some landbased animals have been seen floating above the ground. Reports about vegetation glowing in the dark and emitting mysterious sounds complete the picture.\n\nThere was llittle doubt about who was responsible. Asked regarding the strange observations, §Y[mem_descended_leader.GetName]§! replied: §T"Well, I saw a diamond in the rough here and made a few adjustmends to perfect it. And, hey... it just works! Yes, there may have been a few unexpected side effects... But give me a few more months, and I'll sort it out, probably..."§!"

Events for after "In His Likeness" For normal empires give a random planet without deposit trade value, but spawn a pirate fleet raiding the system "Pilgrimage And Piracy" "The §Y[mem_descended_flavor_system.GetName] system§! has seen some increase in travel since §Y[mem_descended_leader.GetName]§! has left his mark on one of it's planets.\n\nUnfortunately the streams of pilgrims have drawn the attention of vultures. Pirates have been acting more and more openly, threatening our trade routs. §Y[mem_descended_leader.GetName]§! was not amused by this perceived blasphemy and called for our intervention."

For gestalt empires, give a random planet without deposits unity, but spawn mining drones, which are after the likeness planet "Heretical Machines" "The §Y[mem_descended_flavor_system.GetName] system§! over time has become a unifying focal point for our consciousness since §Y[mem_descended_leader.GetName]§! left his mark on one of its planets, even though the exact reason for this effect is unclear.\n\nLately, however, the tranquility of this place has been disturbed by the mining operation of a fleet of automated drones, whose origin is unclear. Their work is threatening §Y[mem_descended_leader.GetName]'§! likeness and as such has been declared heretical by him, calling for their neutralization."

Elimdur commented 9 months ago

Text bits for the first audience

Arriving the delegation is met by a small group of natives. One of them steps forward, making himself known to be the leader of this humble welcoming committee. After a brief greeting they are led to a - compared to their otherwise rudimentary architecture - rather opulent and out of place palace.

When during a brief pause hope for an end of this plethora of titles bloomed for a short moment, the [mem_descended_native_species.GetName] after taking a small breath of air mercilessly subverts this expectation by continuing his apparently well trained, but dryly delivered recitation of his ruler's titles and accomplishments for another agonizing hour and a half...

Having finally finished the ordeal and visibly exhausted himself he addresses the delegation again: You may now enter the inner chamber to meet our lord in person.

Ah...what a delivery. So monotone, so free of expression, just marvelous. In all honesty though, those guys couldn't even fake a smile if their life depended on it. But they are loyal and hard workers, you have to give them that. When I first found them, they lived in shabby caves, teetering on the brink of extinction on a dying world circling a waning star. Just look at them now, living on a paradise world under a warm sun... in slightly less shabby hovels. Yeah, I know, it's still a work in progress. Some changes come easier for them than others. But I digress...

As you have heard, I am Neochadamus... Neo-chada-mus, care to remember that. The last one to mispronounce my name now graces the surface of Soothing Shade, this planet's moon in case you are unaware... Though technically everything in this system is this planet's moon, even the sun... But details... details...\n\nFor those I call friends, Chada will be enough. And I do have a feeling, we will be fast friends indeed, you and I.

Elimdur commented 9 months ago

A fleet of fallen empire ships arrives in the system to serve Chada (they are descendents of his disciples of the past)

version 1 §HThe stranger conducts various arcane gesticulations before adressing us.§!\n\nWe have learned of his return and intend to serve under the Lord Ascendant as his willing tools just as our ancestors did.\n\nPraised be his name!

version 2 The Shroud hath bringeth us glad tidings. His devout shall follow him once again.

version 3 Our lord has returned. His loyal followers shall serve him once more.

version 4 We are here to serve as his sword and shield. We are but tools in his hands. May his reign be eternal.

version 5 The galaxy is dark and full of terrors. It is he who puts them at bay. We shall be his arms and armor.

Elimdur commented 8 months ago

Special Project to contact Chada - linked to the event chain Will be reset when used.

"Request An Audience" "If there are matters to be discussed, we can arrange for a formal meeting."

Diplo Event "The Meeting" "Ah, hello my dear [root.GetRulerTitle]. What can I do for you today?"

"You can change your appearance at will?" "Indeed, I can. Would you like to witness another performance of that little trick of mine? Do you have any special requests?

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