MoreEventsMod / More_Events_Mod_Beta

Testing Branch for the Next More Events Mod version
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Lost Protegé #72

Open tzerrell opened 8 years ago

tzerrell commented 8 years ago

A new event in which you discover that your species was partially uplifted by a fallen empire back in their glory days. This is being worked on in the lost-protege branch.

Tuttu commented 8 years ago

That sounds like a cool event. :)

tzerrell commented 8 years ago

This is based on an idea from

Elimdur commented 8 years ago

IDEAS from the general channel

Malthus - Heute um 19:38 Uhr what if in a possible outcome instead of only ruins of that precurser empire you find something like a cryopod with the last of the ancients LamilLerran - Heute um 19:39 Uhr that could be cool I was thinking of the event working with a still-existing fallen empire Malthus - Heute um 19:39 Uhr who then becomes something like a living god for your race if your are spiritualistic LamilLerran - Heute um 19:39 Uhr but having ruins or a precursor life pod would be cool (as additional branches, I mean) Malthus - Heute um 19:40 Uhr or a scientific leader (not in leaderpool) but an empirewide research bonus branching is the best^^ LamilLerran - Heute um 19:40 Uhr branching is so great Malthus - Heute um 19:40 Uhr i can imagine followup events^^ LamilLerran - Heute um 19:41 Uhr excellent P_aul - Heute um 19:41 Uhr we could generate high level, immortal science leader Malthus - Heute um 19:41 Uhr imagine a game with a real story^^ P_aul - Heute um 19:41 Uhr or would that be to strong reward? Malthus - Heute um 19:41 Uhr i think that would be too much LamilLerran - Heute um 19:41 Uhr it's strong, but the event is probably going to be long, so if it's the only real reward it's probably ok Malthus - Heute um 19:42 Uhr i would rather see him as some sort of advisor LamilLerran - Heute um 19:42 Uhr And if this leader is just [lvl 5] [immortal] [no other traits] that seems not unreasonable adviser could certainly also work Malthus - Heute um 19:43 Uhr AND think of possible interactions with other fallen empires his race might have been archenemy of one of them LamilLerran - Heute um 19:44 Uhr Yeah! Great for followup events hmm ... do they still care? Do they hate you? Are you a chance to make retroactive peace with a long-extinct foe? who knows! Malthus - Heute um 19:45 Uhr they might want to get their hands on him, he might be something like a devil to them or they are just plain evil and want to erase any memory of this race for whatever reason so there are so many possible ways to go on he may be a good willing beneficial beeing who wants to help your people OR he might just play like it and in reality tries to use you as his tools P_aul - Heute um 19:47 Uhr ...of rewenge Malthus - Heute um 19:47 Uhr that is always good like his race hat extended knowledge of biological weaponry and was destroyed for their use and now he wants to kill those that destroyed his race think of a fallen empire crumbling because of a plague he sends to them P_aul - Heute um 19:49 Uhr I think there was a stargate episode Malthus - Heute um 19:49 Uhr yep i thought of it aswell when i got thet idea P_aul - Heute um 19:49 Uhr where the team mistakenly helps a miacal biotechnologist escape maximum security preason

Mariawr commented 7 years ago

Given we have #109 running can we close this issue ?

Elimdur commented 7 years ago

Not the same

tzerrell commented 7 years ago

Work on this issue is on hold pending Paradox's release of Heinlein (1.3)